Changes in the Currency Specification of Hard Forkand Future Policy in Sprouts.
Your cooperation is essential for further growth of Sprouts. The value of
Sprouts will rise by increasing the using of Sprouts like the currency in the
real world. Also, the blooming of many talents from the Sprouts community
makes challenger and supporter's dreams come true. That promotes the
influx of people to Sprouts and further makes Sprouts grow. We will create
a platform for that
Changes in the Currency Specification of Hard Forkand Future Policy in Sprouts.
This specification change is necessary in order to fix bugs accumulated
for many years and make Sprouts available in the real world. In the past
Sprouts was characterized by high PoS fee and has formed the community.
However, high reward, ignoring demand, will result in continued dilution of
the value of the currency, which will hinder the use in the real world.
This hard fork is aimed at achieving balance between rewards of
maintaining the Sprouts network and consumptions by practical use, and
enabling Sprouts market to continue. The outline of specification change
is as follows.
Changes in the Currency Specification of Hard Forkand Future Policy in Sprouts.