SafeGalaxy is a deflationary, static yield farming, automatic liquidity generating token on the Binance Smart Chain. This means that the supply of SafeGalaxy will shrink over time, you can farm more tokens simply by holding SafeGalaxy in your wallet, and there will always be a liquid market for SafeGalaxy.
SafeGalaxy works by taking a 10% fee on every transaction. That fee is broken up into 2 parts. Reflection - 50% of the fee (5% of the transaction) is distributed to every wallet that holds SafeGalaxy on a percentage basis. The more SafeGalaxy you hold the more you will receive! LP Generation - 25% of the fee (2.5% of the transaction) collected in SafeGalaxy is sold into BNB. That BNB is married up with the remaining 25% of SafeGalaxy and deposited back into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool. These two functions work together to reward holders and punish whales.