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Sapphire Energy biotechnology company using photosynthetic organisms to make renewable solutions and food ingredients that is headquartered in San Diego, California and was founded in 2007 by Steve Briggs, Kristina Burow, Nathaniel David, Stephen Mayfield, Mike Mendez, Bryan O'Neill, Yan Poon, and Jason Pyle. The company has a research and development facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Sapphire Energy's biotechnology platform uses non-potable water, non-arable land, and do not rely on food crops to grow algae and cyanobacteria biomasses capable of capturing CO2. Algae and cyanobacteria biomasses grown by Sapphire Energy (according to the companies website) are a sustainable, renewable, scalable sources of omega-3 oils, aquaculture and animal feed ingredients, and fuels (called Green Crude).
Fuels made by Sapphire energy are compatible with existing petroleum infrastructure, are made to enhance and/or replace petroleum-based products, and do not result in the production of biodiesel or ethanol.