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ScoutX is the world’s first DeFi player protocol for investing in players’ future earnings.

Remember, price = earnings.
The more they earn, the higher the price.

Determine which players are overvalued or undervalued

Their real world performance dictates their prices!

A player's final earning at the end of the season is the final Settlement price. All tokens are redeemed at the final price
You know your sport better than anyone else. Now invest in it.
Only For Billionaires
Why can only billionaires invest in sport? Investing in sport should be available to everyone, not just billionaires that own sports teams.
Short, Medium or Long Term Investment
You want to pick the future superstar or do you want to invest in the underdog? Every player is tradeable, you get to pick your strategy.
Simple & Transparent
Earnings reflect TRUE performance. Players win big tournaments, players earn big money. Their earnings are transparent and are replicated in their token value. Powered ByPolygon