The second season of the American comedy television series Scrubs premiered on NBC on September 26, 2002, and concluded on April 17, 2003, and consists of 22 episodes. For the second season Neil Flynn was made a series regular. Colin Hay guest starred for the first time. It is also the first time an episode gives the narration to another regular...
The second season of the American comedy television series Scrubs premiered on NBC on September 26, 2002, and concluded on April 17, 2003, and consists of 22 episodes. For the second season Neil Flynn was made a series regular. Colin Hay guest starred for the first time. It is also the first time an episode gives the narration to another regular...
The second season of the American comedy television series Scrubs premiered on NBC on September 26, 2002, and concluded on April 17, 2003, and consists of 22 episodes. For the second season Neil Flynn was made a series regular. Colin Hay guest starred for the first time. It is also the first time an episode gives the narration to another regular...