The history of the appearance of the lake has not been fully studied.The lake was formed in a depression on the karst site.
Legend has it that a young man fell in love with a girl, they loved each other, they had pure love.
The wedding was supposed to take place after making the wedding dress, the healer said that the bride and groom
are siblings.Getting married was forbidden on this occasion.But the lovers decided not to attach
importance to this and the wedding took place.

The gods did not like it and the gods decided to punish the lovers. When the wedding was going on and everyone was having fun, the gods brought down
his anger at the newlyweds.There was a destruction of the soil under them and they fell under the water. And today people say that
from time to time a plaintive cry is heard from under the water. The resulting liquid in the pit is the tears of lovers.
However, this is just a legend.The beautiful lake belongs to the galaxy of Russian Switzerland.
The attraction is located on the slope of a small mountain in the Volga region, so the view of the lake looks extraordinary.
Trees grow around the lake-spruce, larch, spruce, pine.Many people come to see this miracle from all over
the world to enjoy this creation created by nature itself.
The legend of the lake testifies that the lake sings and there is a scientific explanation for this.Under favorable conditions, a rumble can be heard from the pit.
Scientists have found a reasonable explanation for this - strange voids have been found in the depths of the lake.To find out, special locators were used for this purpose.
The age of the reservoir is -20 thousand years.The diameter is 45 meters. The depth is 36 meters.
The unique natural depression has no currents and it is closed.Flora and fauna are representatives of freshwater and some saltwater species.
There are plankton, benthos.The inhabitants are distributed in three main zones (beregova, deepwater, and the rest)
Water lilies, horsetail, reeds grow.The fauna is different (pike, gobies, crucian carp, tench, perch).There are also residents at depth.Chlorella,
chlamydomonas, ulotrix, and elodea breed there.
Recently, these karst lakes have been characterized by a visible decrease in water.People who regularly visit this lake began to worry.
As a result, this information spread and reached local newspapers and television. An expedition was formed and, based on its results, scientists established
a significant deepening of the gap.The penetration of water into the formed cracks, limestone is diagnosed.Earlier, this indicator amounted to 270 cubic meters of water
per day and before the winter of 2015 there was a significant shallowing, as the winter turned out to be snowless.In 2016, the level was raised again.