Selby Venture Partners is a company founded in 1998.
Selby Venture Partners has made investments in Attributor, Tempo Payments, 4INFO, Michelle Kaufmann Designs, PopJax, Bay Microsystems, Pandora, Zest Labs and Feedster.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, Coremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big Stage and SkyPilot Networks.
Selby Venture Partners has announced their Selby Venture Partners fund in January 1998 with a total raised amount $30 million. And they announced their Selby Venture Partners II in January 2000 with a total raised amount $100.
Selby Venture Partners has made investments in Attributor, Tempo Payments, 4INFO, Michelle Kaufmann Designs, PopJaxPopJax, Bay Microsystems, Pandora, Zest Labs and Feedster.
Selby Venture Partners is a Menlo Park, California based venture capital firmventure capital firm. They invest at all stages of a companies maturity focused in the digital media, IT and communications, and sustainable technologies sectors.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, Coremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big Stage and SkyPilot NetworksSkyPilot Networks.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, Coremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big StageBig Stage and SkyPilot Networks.
Selby Venture Partners has made investments in Attributor, Tempo PaymentsTempo Payments, 4INFO, Michelle Kaufmann Designs, PopJax, Bay Microsystems, Pandora, Zest Labs and Feedster.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, CoremetricsCoremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big Stage and SkyPilot Networks.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSyncSugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, Coremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big Stage and SkyPilot Networks.
Selby Venture Partners has made investments in Attributor, Tempo Payments, 4INFO, Michelle Kaufmann Designs, PopJax, Bay MicrosystemsBay Microsystems, Pandora, Zest Labs and Feedster.
Selby Venture Partners is a Menlo Park, CaliforniaMenlo Park, California based venture capital firm. They invest at all stages of a companies maturity focused in the digital media, IT and communications, and sustainable technologies sectors.
Selby Venture Partners is a Menlo Park, California based venture capital firm. They invest at all stages of a companies maturity focused in the digital media, IT and communications, and sustainable technologies sectors.
Selby Venture Partners has made investments in Attributor, Tempo Payments, 4INFO, Michelle Kaufmann Designs, PopJax, Bay Microsystems, Pandora, Zest Labs and Feedster.
They have exited their investments in Pandora, SugarSync, Zest Labs, Attributor, Coremetrics, Blue Pumpkin Software, BigFix, Big Stage and SkyPilot Networks.
Selby Venture Partners has announced their Selby Venture Partners fund in January 1998 with a total raised amount $30 million. And they announced their Selby Venture Partners II in January 2000 with a total raised amount $100.