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Sentre Protocol is An Open Liquidity Protocol on Solana. All-in-One Solana Open Platform with DApps Store and Universal Protocol for Liquidity.
Sentre Protocol's Vision
Sentre’s vision is to create an All-in-One Solana Open Platform with dApps Store and Universal Protocol for Liquidity; altogether become a Safe Haven for DeFi developers and users.
Advantages of sentre protocol:
1. A decentralized hub where developers can inherit available liquidity to develop their dApps while users gain access to well-developed innovative apps that generate a high yield of profits.
2. Furthermore, Sentre has been cherished with the hope of opening up a new market for investors/users with multiple sources of Liquidity.
3. As a Safe Haven, DeFi users can leverage Sentre for 100 applications usage at one time rather than going to 100 individual apps. This network also solves liquidity bootstrapping concern.
Empowering DeFi Users & Developers
Sen OS - The Open Platform for DApps: Developers and Partners can deliver DApps through Sen Store, use available resources and contribute to the Platform.
SenSwap - The Liquidity Accumulator: A Solana-based AMM with an user-friendly interface and various tech-advanced features such as Adaptive Fee Model (impermanent loss minimized), Asymmetric Deposit (one-sided token pooling), Cross-chain Liquidity, and so on.
Senter Protocol has a good roadmap, here is what they plan to implement in 2022:
Q1 - 2022
- Integrate Aggregator
- Sen OTC
Q2 - 2022
- Sen Booster (Public)
- Sen Launchpad
Q3 - 2022
- Derivatives Market
- Sen Academy
Q4 - 2022
- Decentralized Insurance
- Lending & Borrowing