Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
This saga begins with a mission for freedom, fueled by the vision of ShinFloki
acting in stealth for the people to interrupt the ties to traditional / centralized
finance and forge the path to an entirely decentralized and community driven
project. This is for the people with ShinFloki as our leader.
ShinFloki aims to be a hallmark brand in the anime project sector. Our unique
project fundamentals ensure long term success and growth. Holding this asset
will provide 3% native token reflections, first access to unique nft art collections
which will fund project with major buy backs to avoid dumps, marketing and
charity initiatives.
NFT purchase Dapp and Our own insane Nft marketplace
NFT Compilation - 2500 Genesis Pieces
These 2500 Nft pieces will be available through our dapp which will be live
few days before presale for holders to mint their selection of nfts, these have
unique traits and will reward holders with additional bnb for holding these art
This will offer massive benefits to long term holders such as % back on nft
purchases and exclusive whitelist opportunities on the launch pad.
ShinFloki Swap which will allow our beloved investors to buy $SHINFLOKI with
less gas fee and providing huge apy just by staking our tokens.
NFTs Staking will go live at launch rewarding our holders with insane apy , bnb
rewards and less minting fee by Stakin them. Our long-term goal is to create a
Gaming Universe with multiple addictive blockchain based games with NFT
integrations and P2E functionalities in place and moving to E
thereum bridge.
Native Token Reflections
Max Supply:
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