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SkyDOS is metaverse for Unlimited Life. With SkyDOS, people from all over the world can use their Avatar to connect
with each other, experience together, play, entertain, learn, create or even build their own business.
Discover yourself in an unlimited world: Play games, attend a music event,... and explore SkyDOS world with friends around the world.
Test your unlimited imagination: Unleash your creativity, build your own SkyDOS, share it with friends and the community by the Simple Builder tool of SkyDOS.
Educate yourself on SkyDOS world: SkyDOS will be a world users can come and learn unlimited in an friendly environment and high interactivity.
Earn unlimited revenue through multiple income: Buy and sell LAND, Estates, Avatar, earning from Daily Quest, minigame,.. Too many ways to help you get unlimited benefits in SkyDOS.