Along with the advancement of Blockchain technology, NFT Games are becoming the trend for the game industry, with the potential to disrupt the traditional game industry. With belief in the future of NFT Games, we began this project with the following questions:
What are the factors that contribute to a successful NFT game?
Why could only a few NFT games among hundreds of them become successful?
What is the greatest competitive advantage of NFT games over traditional games?
The answers to the above questions will become the foundation for the development of this project.
After many days of debating, we figured out that there are 4 Foundation principles to make Slime Royale become a successful NFT game. And they are:
1. NFT items released from the development team must be limited.
One of the distinguishing features of the NFT games is that: The player must be the creator and owner of the game's digital items. Owner rights are the most powerful motivator that encourages players to think of themselves as game creators rather than just players. With Blockchain technology, in-game items and currency will become digital assets, which owners will be able to easily exchange and purchase with anyone in the world.
Traditional games make profit by encouraging players to purchase items from game developers, whereas successful NFT Games must encourage players to purchase items from one another. That is why Slime Royale will limit self-publishing and self-selling NFT items. The fact that players create and own all items in the game is necessary for building a sustainable ecosystem based on players’ trading and exchanging.
2. Balanced game Economic System
A critical issue that every game on the gamefi market is facing is INFLATION.
To solve this problem and build a sustainable economic system, we have a new approach: attract both play-to-earn players and pay-for-fun players.
In a traditional game, revenue from pay-for-fun players is most of the system's revenue. Players will pay directly to the game company, and trading between players is not recommended. While with Slime Royale, we aim to create a game that encourages pay-for-fun players to trade with play-to-earn players. Slime Royale will work as a platform, supporting players to create, own, exchange their NFT assets.
To meet that goal, we have 2 essential points. There is:
First: All NFT items released from Slime Royale must be capped at a little quantity. It’ll protect the economy to avoid NFT inflation, and protect the NFT owners' benefit.
Second: The game must be fun and attract players who are willing to pay-for-fun. The more fun and engaging the game, the more players want to play, and NFT Slime demand will increase.
3. Interesting gameplay
Play-to-earn can be a good approach to start an NFT Game project, or to attract players as well as to raise capital. But only interesting gameplay can attract pay-for-fun players. Especially "Whale players" - those who are willing to pay most of the money for the game, with just only one goal of “playing for fun”.
The gameplay needs to be attractive and interesting, then the game itself will attract a large number of players. Owning in-game items will be pointless unless there is a large community of people who enjoy playing the game. If there’s no one in need of the items, the price pushing up will end really soon, similar to Crypto Kitties Mania - which saw a boom and bust cycle in just three months.
So in Slime Royale, we intent to design joyful and challenging gameplay for everyone. Players need to have squad arranging skills based on lineups, tactics, classes, and the game control ability to win the match. And first of all, we want to create a game that we will love and want to play.
4. Capability to scale to a mass game market
Although the most successful NFT Games can attract 2-3M players, this number is only a very small set of customers in the vast Game market. (The entire world has 3 billion Video Gamers, Top games can attract from 1 billion to 1.5 billion players. Source:
If Slime Royale can attract dozens or hundreds of millions of players, it will add enormous value to the gaming industry as a whole.
Based on the above 4 Foundation Principles, we started to build Slime Royale.
We intend to create a fun NFT game with a balanced economic system, where all players with different purposes can enjoy the game and achieve benefits for themselves. Free-to-play, play-and-earn, play-for-fun, pay-for-fun, invest-to-earn, no matter what type of player you are, your desire will be satisfied in Slime Royale.
Create an NFT game that attracts dozens of millions of players while satisfying all player types, resulting in a breakthrough for the game industry.