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SMART VALOR is a platform token of the SMART VALOR exchange which is now a Crypto to Crypto to Fiat. We are working on becoming a fully compliant security token exchange in 2020.
SMART VALOR was founded in 2017 in Switzerland, one of the leading hubs for blockchain technology. We became the first authorized digital exchange in the region. Forbes nominated SMART VALOR as top 10 technology SME in Europe and Swiss Government selected us for innovation grand.
Today SMART VALOR has grown into full-service investment platform for digital assets serving two groups of customers: retail customers from over 130 countries and financial institutions.
Today, the digital and real worlds exist separate from each other. Blockchain technology enables the tokenization of real assets, connecting these worlds. The big idea we are working on is a bridge between the digital and real worlds to make assets fully digital, simply transferable and accessible.
Explore our NFT marketplace:VALOR Prime(in Beta)