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Sofocle Technologies (also pronounce as "Sophocles") is a software development company that provides products and services for the Blockchain platform. Sofocle Technologies is known for its Blockchain Evangelism, deep-rooted research, and pioneering when it comes to this technology Blockchain concepts and converting them into Enterprise solutions that can solve real business problems. Headquartered in Noida, the company runs offices in NCT of Delhi, India.
Founded in 2017, Sofocle is an Enterprise Blockchain company. Sofocle implements various Blockchain applications and solutions for enterprises, startups and governments across various countries. Sofocle has also developed various products and solutions in Blockchain space.
Sofocle Technologies provides Certification Programs and MasterClasses on Blockchain to Corporates, Universities and Blockchain enthusiasts. The programs are run by Blockchain Architects and Engineer.
Sofocle Technologies Technolgy Partners with Microsoft, Multichain, Credits, and R3 Corda, etc.
Association Partners Nasscom, IAMAI, SME Chamber of India, FICCI, ASSOCHAM India and CII, etc.
Sofocle won the "Best accelerated BOSCH DNA 2.0 Start-up award" for its robust market-ready product 'Certum' amongst 600 participating start-ups. 'Certum' – which is a supply chain and e-warranty BaaS platform is designed keeping in mind the pain points of the supply chain ecosystem and e-warranty market.
Sofocle Wins the Technoviti Awards 2019 in the Blockchain Fintech category
Sofocle bagged the "Most Innovative Blockchain Solution" award for their market-ready product Certum (SofoChain)
Sofocle Technologies won the 'Fintech Valley Blockchain Startup Challenge 2017' i.e. conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The company won the challenge for its innovative market-ready product 'sofoCap'.