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What type of token $ICONS is?
$ICONS is an ERC-20 token. We have ported it to BSC already and Flow will follow soon.
Where can I find whitepaper and tokenomics?
You can find our whitepaper here.
Where can I buy $ICONS?
You can buy $ICONS on, PancakeSwap and Uniswap.
Can I stake $ICONS?
You can stake $ICONS using our PancakeSwap LP Farm on TokensFarm.
Will there be an airdrop for early community members?
Yes we have set aside 10% of all $ICONS for early community members. You’ll get $ICONS based on your marketplace volume (how many NFTs you have bought and sold on, if you are a SportsIcon Lion Club member and for being a positive force in our community.
Athlete curated insights into pivotal moments of their journey through immersive, artistic, inspirational NFTs, unlockable content and community.
Creating the world’s leading platform for sports entertainment, knowledge transfer and digital collectibles.
Through lovingly filmed insights with athletes who also curate their own bespoke digital art collection, SportsIcon is building the ultimate platform for fans to get closer to their sporting heroes.
Our platform provides a high quality, cinematically filmed chapters with Icons, packaged as NFTs, where fans can learn insights, knowledge and, untold stories from an Iconic life and career. Supplementing these insights, fans can own an expression of a career through rare, beautiful, athlete curated digital art.
To assist the expression of athletes through immersive NFT videos and art, moments of their life and career that made them the Icons they became, and to empower fans to be closer to their heroes by owning moments from an Iconic career.