Staroshcherbinovskaya is a village in the Krasnodar Territory . The administrative center of the Shcherbinovsky district . It forms the Staroshcherbinovsky rural settlement and is its administrative center.
Staroshcherbinovskaya is the northernmost of the villages of the region, located in the lower reaches of the river Yeya , (basin of the Sea of Azov ), 33 km east of the city of Yeysk .
There is a railway station on the Yeysk - Starominskaya line .
In 1794, the smoking village of Shcherbinovskoye was founded - one of the first 40 villages of the Black Sea Cossacks in the Kuban. The name is transferred from the kuren of the Zaporozhian Sich . The place for resettlement was chosen at the strategically important historical Black Ford - the gati-crossing at the mouth of the Yeya, where the Nogai ( Crimean ) fortification previously existed. In 1801, the population of kuren was 1789 inhabitants, there were 9 windmills. In 1809-1811, 2178 settlers from the Poltava and Chernihiv provinces were resettled in the kuren. In 1821-1822, Little Russian Cossacks were additionally resettled, the number of households in the Shcherbinovsky kuren increased from 588 to 774.
In 1821 the smoking village became known as Staroshcherbinovsky , in connection with the formation of Novoshcherbinovsky . By the middle of the 19th century, there were 847 houses and 84 farms in the village. Cossacks - 4127 people, with them 49 souls of serfs and courtyards, as well as 139 non-residents. 3 brick factories.
The village was part of the Yeysk department of the Kuban region. During the First World War in the village - 3556 households, 15082 Cossacks and 2122 non-residents. The area of the yurt is 52,624 acres, including 39,519 acres of arable land.