Su-34 (product "T-10V", according to NATO codification: Fullback - "Defender") - Soviet / Russian multifunctional supersonic fighter-bomber, designed to strike with aircraft weapons against enemy targets in operational and tactical depth with the concentration of the main efforts at a distance of 150-600 km from the line of contact. in conditions of strong opposition by means of enemy air defense and the use of modern means of electronic warfare [5], the destruction of enemy air targets day and night in simple and difficult meteorological conditions.
In terms of its combat capabilities, the Su-34 belongs to the generation and allows it to carry out basic combat missions without escort by cover fighters due to its high combat qualities, which make it possible to independently maneuver air combat with any existing enemy fighters on equal terms.
The two-seat Su-34 aircraft with two serial AL-31F turbofan engines has a cantilever adaptive wing mechanized along the leading and trailing edges, two-keel vertical tail, front horizontal tail (PGO), all-moving stabilizer, tricycle landing gear. The main supports have a two-wheeled bogie with wheels arranged according to the "tandem" scheme. The fuselage of the aircraft is made according to an integrated circuit, the head part of which begins with a radio-transparent fairing, which has an elliptical shape with sharp side edges. The mid-positioned trapezoidal wing of small elongation, equipped with developed ribs on which the PGO consoles are installed, smoothly mates with the fuselage, forming a single load-bearing body, which ensures high values of aerodynamic quality and aircraft lift coefficient.