Su-34 (product "T-10V", according to NATO codification: Fullback - "Defender") - Soviet / Russian multifunctional supersonic fighter-bomber
Su-34Su-34 (product "T-10V", according to NATO codification: Fullback - "Defender") - Soviet / Russian multifunctional supersonic fighter-bomber, designed to strike with aircraft weapons against enemy targets in operational and tactical depth with the concentration of the main efforts at a distance of 150-600 km from the line of contact. in conditions of strong opposition by means of enemy air defense and the use of modern means of electronic warfare [5], the destruction of enemy air targets day and night in simple and difficult meteorological conditions.
The two-seat Su-34 aircraft with two serial AL-31F turbofan engines has a cantilever adaptive wing mechanized along the leading and trailing edges, two-keel vertical tail, front horizontal tail (PGO), all-moving stabilizer, tricycle landing gear. The main supports have a two-wheeled bogie with wheels arranged according to the "tandem" scheme. The fuselage of the aircraft is made according to an integrated circuit, the head part of which begins with a radio-transparent fairing, which has an elliptical shape with sharp side edges. The mid-positioned trapezoidal wing of small elongation, equipped with developed ribs on which the PGO consoles are installed, smoothly mates with the fuselage, forming a single load-bearing body, which ensures high values of aerodynamic quality and aircraft lift coefficient.