Symmetry Systems is a provider of data store and object-level security (DSOS) solutions that give organizations visibility into, and unified access control of, their most valuable data assets.
The platform outputs a risk map for security teams that identifies endangered data objects and provides intervention suggestions. It also features a detection-response service that marks abnormal instances of data access and gives users evidence for the alert. Object-level access records as a service to prepare for System and Organization Controls (SOC), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), General Data Protection RegulationGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) audits.
Symmetry Dataguard is installed into a sealed environment to learn data objects from SQLSQL, NoSQL, and object stores. Subsequently, a large access control graph of all principals and objects in the system is constructed. DataGuard provides a risk assessment of all data stores, including unique objects. Alerts with evidence-based notifications during operations and equips infrastructure engineers with Identity Access Management (IAM) protection recommendations.
The platform outputs a risk map for security teams that identifies endangered data objects and provides intervention suggestions. It also features a detection-response service that marks abnormal instances of data access and gives users evidence for the alert. Object-level access records as a service to prepare for System and Organization Controls (SOC), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and California Consumer Privacy ActCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) audits.
Symmetry Dataguard is installed into a sealed environment to learn data objects from SQL, NoSQLNoSQL, and object stores. Subsequently, a large access control graph of all principals and objects in the system is constructed. DataGuard provides a risk assessment of all data stores, including unique objects. Alerts with evidence-based notifications during operations and equips infrastructure engineers with Identity Access Management (IAM) protection recommendations.