T-10 was a Soviet tank - the most massive in the history of tank building
T-10 iswas a Soviet tank - the most massive tank in the history of tank building
T-10 was a Soviet tank - the most massive in the history of tank building
In the V-12-6 engine, compared to the V-12-5, changes were made to the design of the crankcase, crankshaft, pistons, cylinders, etc. The engine power was 750 hp. With. at 2100 rpm. The car was equipped with a R-113 radio station and an R-120 intercom. The tank was produced for almost 5 years, and only in 1962 was the production of the T-10M tank based on object 272 organized at both plants. The design of the T-10M has been repeatedly modified. Since 1959, for example, only every fifth tank was equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns. In the 60s, the 8-speed gearbox was replaced with a simpler 6-speed one. Since 1963, the T-10M was equipped with an OPVT system, which made it possible to overcome obstacles up to 5 m deep along the bottom. Since 1967, rounds with armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative shells began to be included in the ammunition load. Tanks T-10 initially entered service with heavy tank-self-propelled regiments. Since 1947, one such regiment was part of the staff of a tank and mechanized division. As more and more T-10 tanks, and then T-10A, T-10B and T-10M tanks, began to form heavy tank divisions. Each such division had two regiments of heavy and one regiment of medium tanks.
In the V-12-6 engine, compared to the V-12-5, changes were made to the design of the crankcase, crankshaft, pistons, cylinders, etc. The engine power was 750 hp. With. at 2100 rpm. The car was equipped with a R-113 radio station and an R-120 intercom. The tank was produced for almost 5 years, and only in 1962 was the production of the T-10M tank based on object 272 organized at both plants. The design of the T-10M has been repeatedly modified. Since 1959, for example, only every fifth tank was equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns. In the 60s, the 8-speed gearbox was replaced with a simpler 6-speed one. Since 1963, the T-10M was equipped with an OPVT system, which made it possible to overcome obstacles up to 5 m deep along the bottom. Since 1967, rounds with armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative shells began to be included in the ammunition load.
In the V-12-6 engine, compared to the V-12-5, changes were made to the design of the crankcase, crankshaft, pistons, cylinders, etc. The engine power was 750 hp. With. at 2100 rpm. The car was equipped with a R-113 radio station and an R-120 intercom. The tank was produced for almost 5 years, and only in 1962 was the production of the T-10M tank based on object 272 organized at both plants.
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame; 13. rain shield;
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame; 13. rain shield; 14. window for DShK machine gun; 15. reflector.
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame; 13. rain shield; 14. window for DShK machine gun;
14. window for DShK machine gun; 15. reflector.
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame;
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame; 13. rain shield; 14. window for DShK machine gun;
13. rain shield;
13. rain shield; 14. window for DShK machine gun;
9. handrail; 10. eye; 11. sight window
10. eye;
11. sight window;
12. fingers for attaching the gun frame;
13. rain shield;
14. window for DShK machine gun;
9. handrail; 10. eye; 11. sight window
9. handrail;
8. slit for observation device;
7. glass antenna gadfly;
5.5. Holehole for the gun frame fastening rod;
6. commander's hatch cover;
5. Hole for the gun frame fastening rod;