A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Navsys Corporation in March, 2023 for $1,471,103.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and Missile Defense Agency.
Under the Phase I effort, NAVSYS developed a design for an alternative navigation (ALTNAV) external aiding solution that utilizes signals of opportunity (SoOP) from a combination of commercial and military space systems leveraging NAVSYS PNT as a Service (PNTaaS) technology developed under contract to DARPA, Air Force, and Navy customers. Under the Phase II effort, we propose to build and test a PNTaaS Software Defined Radio (SDR) integrated with a multi-band antenna and precision clock to demonstrate the PNTaaS capability to provide SoOP observations as an external navigation update to the onboard Inertial Measurement Units on missiles. The Phase II prototype SDR will be used to support mobile testing for a performance demonstration of the ALTNAV solution against government performance goals. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11340 (16 Dec 22)