THX Network (THX) allows users to integrate gamification API powered by Ethereum blockchain and Polygon side-chain.
IntegrateTHX Network a(THX) robustallows users to integrate gamification API powered by Ethereum blockchain and Polygon side-chain.
THX is a spin-off from Open Social ®, an award winning community software solution from The Netherlands. We love designing, building and leading open source projects. We believe programmable money and peer-to-peer reward systems like THX will be nothing short of transformative for our economies.
Secure keys
We provide best-in-class key management and key backup solutions for your users. You don’t need to worry about your users losing access to their account. It also saves your support desk tons of time.
Your application is flexible thanks to our modular architecture. From gamified payments to your own ERC-20 tokens or stablecoins. We got it all … you only need to add a few lines of code to your application.
Your application remains secure and functional during updates thanks to the so-called ‘diamond’ structure of our smart contracts. We roll out periodic updates that strengthen your infrastructure.
Fast & Free Transactions
Our side-chain provides fast and free transactions for your end-users. We sponsor the gas costs so you don’t have to worry about additional UX barriers for your customers.
Saves you tons of time
Great documentation, and all the endpoints for your application to interact with. Saves you hundreds of hours compared to building this from scratch.
Community governance
Participate in the protocol and become a THX token holder. Token holders will be able to decide on important parameters in the protocol through governance and potentially activate protocol fees.
January 30, 2022
Integrate a robust API powered by Ethereum blockchain and Polygon side-chain.
THX is a spin-off from Open Social ®, an award winning community software solution from The Netherlands. We love designing, building and leading open source projects. We believe programmable money and peer-to-peer reward systems like THX will be nothing short of transformative for our economies.
Secure keys
We provide best-in-class key management and key backup solutions for your users. You don’t need to worry about your users losing access to their account. It also saves your support desk tons of time.
Your application is flexible thanks to our modular architecture. From gamified payments to your own ERC-20 tokens or stablecoins. We got it all … you only need to add a few lines of code to your application.
Your application remains secure and functional during updates thanks to the so-called ‘diamond’ structure of our smart contracts. We roll out periodic updates that strengthen your infrastructure.
Fast & Free Transactions
Our side-chain provides fast and free transactions for your end-users. We sponsor the gas costs so you don’t have to worry about additional UX barriers for your customers.
Saves you tons of time
Great documentation, and all the endpoints for your application to interact with. Saves you hundreds of hours compared to building this from scratch.
Community governance
Participate in the protocol and become a THX token holder. Token holders will be able to decide on important parameters in the protocol through governance and potentially activate protocol fees.
January 30, 2022
THX Network (THX) allows users to integrate gamification API powered by Ethereum blockchain and Polygon side-chain.