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Tableland is a project from to improve the decentralized metadata layer for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Tableland is a relational table protocol, with foreign keys and joins, for Web3. The protocol will allow collectors and creators to add new value to existing NFTs or develop novel NFTs in totally new ways.
The project was launched in February 2022 and offers a network and relational metadata protocol for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains, like Ethereum that is built for developers, NFT creators, and Web3 visionaries. Sander Pick of is a founder of the project.
After launching in early 2022, Tableland published its roadmap, dedicating the first half of the year to building its community to help with designing, building, and running the protocol. Tableland is building its protocol with the progressive decentralization playbook and plans to release support for SQL privileges, table row security policies, and ERC721-based table ownership in the first half of 2022.
As part of its launch, Tableland released a gateway with tables anchored to the Rinkeby testnet at ETHDenver 2022, which was held from February 11 through March 21, 2022.
In May, the Tableland team introduced Rigs, a generative NFT project built from 1,043 handcrafted works of art for the builders and creatives of cyberspace. The Rigs launch is expected in June 2022.