Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies.
November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015
April 2, 2015
April 2, 2015
Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies. Founded 2009 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Brent Belzberg and Charles Sirois, it invests in series D, venture rounds, series C, private equity rounds, and series B rounds. Its portfolio companies include Conveo, Averna, Beyond the Rack, Anaergia, Acquisio, Blueprint Software Systems, and Densify. As of June 2020, Tandem Expansion has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on November 5, 2015, when Coveo raised $35M. Tandem Expansion has had two exits, the most notable of which include Acquisio and Averna.
Tandem Expansion has acquired Averna on Apr 2, 2015.
Tandem Expansion has acquired Averna on Apr 2, 2015.
Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies. Founded 2009 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Brent Belzberg and Charles Sirois, it invests in series D, venture rounds, series C, private equity rounds, and series B rounds. Its portfolio companies include Conveo, Averna, Beyond the Rack, Anaergia, Acquisio, Blueprint Software Systems, and DensifyDensify. As of June 2020, Tandem Expansion has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on November 5, 2015, when Coveo raised $35M. Tandem Expansion has had two exits, the most notable of which include Acquisio and Averna.
Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies. Founded 2009 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Brent Belzberg and Charles SiroisCharles Sirois, it invests in series D, venture rounds, series C, private equity rounds, and series B rounds. Its portfolio companies include Conveo, Averna, Beyond the Rack, Anaergia, Acquisio, Blueprint Software Systems, and Densify. As of June 2020, Tandem Expansion has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on November 5, 2015, when Coveo raised $35M. Tandem Expansion has had two exits, the most notable of which include Acquisio and Averna.
Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies. Founded 2009 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Brent Belzberg and Charles Sirois, it invests in series D, venture rounds, series C, private equity rounds, and series B rounds. Its portfolio companies include Conveo, Averna, Beyond the Rack, Anaergia, Acquisio, Blueprint Software SystemsBlueprint Software Systems, and Densify. As of June 2020, Tandem Expansion has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on November 5, 2015, when Coveo raised $35M. Tandem Expansion has had two exits, the most notable of which include Acquisio and Averna.
Tandem Expansion is a private equity firm in Quebec that focuses on investing in Canadian technology companies. Founded 2009 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Brent Belzberg and Charles Sirois, it invests in series D, venture rounds, series C, private equity rounds, and series B rounds. Its portfolio companies include Conveo, Averna, Beyond the Rack, AnaergiaAnaergia, Acquisio, Blueprint Software Systems, and Densify. As of June 2020, Tandem Expansion has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on November 5, 2015, when Coveo raised $35M. Tandem Expansion has had two exits, the most notable of which include Acquisio and Averna.