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Teamscope is an analytics platform that uses artificial intelligence to help executive search professionals. The company was founded in 2015 by Alo Arro, Lauri Ilison, and Tonis Arro, in Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia.
The platform is utilized to help team leaders make hiring decisions through big data analytics and scientific testing regarding their team. The artificial intelligence intakes and analyzes the team through values, personality characteristics, and core competencies of team members. After analyzing, the platform makes recommendations about characteristics the team should look for in a candidate, and predicts how each candidate fits into the team.
Teamscope operates by team members taking a handful of tests, with the chance of connecting social media to profiles, and the linking team members together. The platform works on a dashboard and is available to team members after taking the short tests, and leaders gain a better understanding about their team culture. The way the artificial intelligence measures personality is by using the Big Five Personality dimensions - extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional range, and openness. is a company that participated in the Class 113 - 2017 Q4 cohort of Techstars and raised an estimated $348,075.