TIM Group (also known as Telecom Italia) is an Italian telecommunications company providing telephone, mobile, and DSL data services.
Telecom Italia is a telecommunications company based in Italy, founded on January 1, 1994, by Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale and Carlo Gualandri . The company's headquarters are located in Milan, Rome, and Naples . Telecom Italia operates as a Società per azioni, a type of legal classification in Italy . The company is active in the telecommunications and web hosting service industries .
Telecom Italia is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Borsa Italiana under the stock symbols TI and TIT.MI, respectively . The company is a subsidiary of Vivendi and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti . Telecom Italia has several subsidiaries, including TIM Brasil, TIM (brand), CSELT, Olivetti, TIMvision, Italtel, and Telecom Italia Tower (Naples) . The company also owns INWIT, Telsy, Loquendo, Telemontecarlo, and Telecom Italia Tower (Naples) .
As of 2021, Telecom Italia has 57,901 employees . The company's key people include CEO Salvatore Rossi, CFO Adrian Calaza, and board members Pietro Labriola and Salvatore Rossi . Former CEOs of Telecom Italia include Flavio Cattaneo, Amos Genish, Luigi Gubitosi, and Pietro Labriola .
Telecom Italia can be found on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, AngelList, LinkedIn, Instagram, and their official websites . The company has also developed mobile applications available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store .