Television (TV) is a telecommunication medium involving the transmission of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver.
Smart TVs can also receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmission. In addition, smart TVs are integrated with extra hardware and connections, along with an operating system and a graphical user interface (GUI). These systems and functions enable viewers to access and control features of the connected devices and streaming content from internet video services. As a result of rapid urbanization, rising income levels, and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumer spending on online video streaming channels, such as YouTube Premium, Netflix, Hulu, VimeoVimeo, and Amazon Prime Video has increased over the years.
According to Grand View ResearchGrand View Research, the global broadcasting and cable TV market size was valued at USD$305.30 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2020 to 2027. Another research firm, Research and Markets, arrived at a valuation of $332.60 billion in 2019 and estimated the television services market to reach $499.80 billion by 2027, following growth at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2021 to 2027. Service providers aim to capture greater market share by integrating Over-The-Top (OTT) media services to offer bundled packages with diverse products to customers.
Smart TVs can also receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmission. In addition, smart TVs are integrated with extra hardware and connections, along with an operating system and a graphical user interface (GUI). These systems and functions enable viewers to access and control features of the connected devices and streaming content from internet video services. As a result of rapid urbanization, rising income levels, and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumer spending on online video streaming channels, such as YouTube Premium, NetflixNetflix, Hulu, Vimeo, and Amazon Prime Video has increased over the years.
Smart TVs can also receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmission. In addition, smart TVssmart TVs are integrated with extra hardware and connections, along with an operating system and a graphical user interface (GUI). These systems and functions enable viewers to access and control features of the connected devices and streaming content from internet video services. As a result of rapid urbanization, rising income levels, and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumer spending on online video streaming channels, such as YouTube Premium, Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo, and Amazon Prime Video has increased over the years.
An increase in internet users and acceptance of IoT are significant factors influencing the growth of the global television services market. In addition, new products enabled by technological advancements in TVs, such as 4K TV, HDTV, and IPTVIPTV, further reinforce the demand for television services.
According to research firm Research And Markets, the taxation of smart TVs is a key inhibitor of the market's growth. Television is the only group in which two Goods and Services Tax (GST) levels apply. Television sales of up to 32 inches are falling, accounting for 55% of overall sales in 2019 compared to 75% in 2017. In IndiaIndia, smart TVs are classified under the highest tax category of the Goods and Services Tax, with customers paying 28% over retail price.
Smart TVs can also receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmission. In addition, smart TVs are integrated with extra hardware and connections, along with an operating system and a graphical user interface (GUI). These systems and functions enable viewers to access and control features of the connected devices and streaming content from internet video services. As a result of rapid urbanization, rising income levels, and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumer spending on online video streaming channels, such as YouTube Premium, Netflix, HuluHulu, Vimeo, and Amazon Prime Video has increased over the years.
Smart TVs can also receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmission. In addition, smart TVs are integrated with extra hardware and connections, along with an operating system and a graphical user interface (GUI). These systems and functions enable viewers to access and control features of the connected devices and streaming content from internet video services. As a result of rapid urbanization, rising income levels, and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumer spending on online video streaming channels, such as YouTube Premium, Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo, and Amazon PrimeAmazon Prime Video has increased over the years.
The global smart TV market reached a value of USUSD$ 202.1 Billionbillion in 2020. Expert Market Research projected smart TV market growth at a CAGR of 10.2% between 2021 and 2026, estimating it to reach approximately USD $319 billion by 2026.
According to research firm Research And Markets, the taxation of smart TVs is a key inhibitor of the market's growth. Television is the only group in which two Goods and Services Tax (GST) levels apply. Television sales of up to 32 inches are falling, accounting for 55 percent% of overall sales in 2019 compared to 75 percent% in 2017. In India, smart TVs are classified under the highest tax category of the Goods and Services Tax, with customers paying 28% over retail price.
Television services involve the provision of entertainment and informational materialmaterials, including films, music, videos, newscasts, and more, which isare broadcasted by TV services providers. The television industry is expected to transition from traditional broadcasting to broadband broadcasting.
An increase in internet users and acceptance of IoT are significant factors influencing the growth of the global television services market. In addition, new products enabled by technological advancements in TVs, such as 4K TV, HDTV, and IPTV, further reinforce the demand for television services.
According to Grand View Research, the global broadcasting and cable TV market size was valued at USD $305.30 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2020 to 2027. Another research firm, Research and Markets, arrived at a valuation of $332.60 billion in 2019 and estimated the television services market to reach $499.80 billion by 2027, following growth at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2021 to 2027. Service providers aim to capture greater market share by integrating Over-The-Top (OTT) media services to offer bundled packages with diverse products to customers.
The TV services market may be divided into the following categories: digital terrestrial broadcast, satellite broadcast, cable television broadcasting, internet protocol television (IPTV), and over-the-top television (OTT). By revenue model, it can be segregated into subscription and advertisement, and; according to the broadcaster type, it can be segmented into public and commercial types.
Designated Market Areas (DMAs), are geographical areas where Nielsen measures media consumption, ranked by local television homes. DMAs include urban centers, suburbs, and nearby counties (also known as trade areaareas) where small towns and rural homes receive the same television signals. There are 210 DMAs in the United States. New York City is the largest DMA, and Glendive, MT is the smallest DMA.