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Tensor Matics Pvt Ltd is a data research and consulting company headquartered in Chandigarh, Punjab in India. Tensor Matics provides services in mobile application and software development, data warehousing and cloud computing, AI and related services like computer vision and NLP, data labelling services, data collection and maintenance services, and data analytics and visualization services. Tensor Matics aims to solve problems in the areas of Image recognition, NLP and text mining, video analytics and survellience systems, to speech revognition system and geospatial analytics.
Tensor Matics provides soltuions to enable: problem framing via stakeholder engagement and storytelling, data collection via bots/social engineering to data management systems, data massaging, preparation and preprocessing via ETLs, orchestration, decision models including ML and rules including hyperparameter tuning, operationalization of models, and
end customer feedback.