TerraCOH is a Minneapolis geothermal company using carbon dioxide for their geologic working fluid making them a negative emission power producer.
TerrCOHTerraCOH knows how to manage and monitor a reservoir, essential to a successful project. TerraCOH's team of belowground and reservoir specialists guides through a safe and prosperous venture. The company does site selection and modeling, design and operation, and monitoring.
Site Selection and Modeling
One key to successful sequestration is choosing a suitable formation and modeling how it will behave with injection. TERRACOH's team have nearly 100 years of geologic and reservoir engineering expertise in evaluating target storage formations, determining storage capacity and modeling the movement of fluids within the formation. We employ state-of-the-art mapping and modeling tools to forecast the location of the CO2 plume to insure its confinement for decades into the future.
Design and Operation
Every candidate storage formation is unique in its character and response to CO2 injection. Designing the wells and injection program to address the unique features insures sustainability, operational safety and reliability. The design phase establishes optimum well location and well design and acceptable injection rates to insure well and formation integrity. TERRACOH is focused on getting CO2 into the formation, managing its dispersion within the formation and avoiding leakages to the adjoining formations.
Because we can never have a crystal-clear picture of the formation and its properties’ local variabilities, TERRACOH adheres to the EPA guidelines for monitoring the plume’s distribution in the formation. We work with oil field service companies to identify and deploy the best tools to measure the plume’s location and the integrity of wells penetrating the formation on a regular basis. This allows us to rapidly respond to any issues with the wells. Further, matching that data with our reservoir simulation results, we fine tune the representation of the formation to insure we understand how the plume is evolving during injection as well as how it will disperse for decades in the future, even post-injection.
TerraCOH's team have nearly 100 years of geologic and reservoir engineering expertise in evaluating target storage formations, determining storage capacity, and modeling the movement of fluids within the formation. The company employs state-of-the-art mapping and modeling tools to forecast the location of the CO2 plume to ensure its confinement for decades into the future. TerraCOH focuses on getting CO2 into the formation, managing its dispersion within the formation, and avoiding leakages to the adjoining formations. TerraCOH adheres to the EPA guidelines for monitoring the plume’s distribution in the formation.
TerraCOH aims to lower global emissions by safely sequestering carbon dioxide and producing emission-free geothermal power. The company's technology allows carbon-free energy, using the power of fossil fuels without any problems, and store vast quantities of CO22 permanently and safely underground. The technology expands the global use of geothermal energy and delivers low-cost, emission-free, full-time baseload, dispatchable electricity, and grid-level energy storage.
The company suite of technologies particularly suits to transition and leverages the oil and gas workforce to a renewable future.
Carbon Dioxide Plume Geothermal - CPGTM - TerraCOH’s proprietary technology’s novel use of CO2carbon dioxide as its geologic working fluid, allows TerraCOH to sequester millions of tonnes of CO22 safely belowground while incorporating power systems aboveground enabling dispatchable, scalable, baseload, negative-emission power production.
ItThe technology of TerraCOH also allows high efficiency, affordable, small to grid-scale energy storage with TerraCOH’s Earth Battery® technology. Building off of TerraCOH's patented technologies, the company strengthens wind and solar with grid-scale energy storage. This turns the wind and solar from intermittent to dispatchable, baseload power. Unlike aboveground battery systems, the Earth Battery® takes up minimal surface area, while also sheltered from adversarial and natural disasters. The company suite of technologies is particularly well-suited to transition and leverages the oil and gas workforce to a renewable future.
Besides the company's CPG and Earth Battery,
Besides the company's CPG and Earth Battery, the company makes use of the process of CCUS. CCUS or Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, also referred to as Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration is a process that captures carbon dioxide emissions from sources like coal-fired power plants and either reuses or stores it so it will not enter the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide storage in geologic formations includes oil and gas reservoirs, unminable coal seams, and deep saline reservoirs - structures that have stored crude oil, natural gas, brine, and carbon dioxide over millions of years.
TerrCOH knows how to manage and monitor a reservoir, essential to a successful project. TerraCOH's team of belowground and reservoir specialists guides through a safe and prosperous venture. The company does site selection and modeling, design and operation, and monitoring.
Site Selection and Modeling
One key to successful sequestration is choosing a suitable formation and modeling how it will behave with injection. TERRACOH's team have nearly 100 years of geologic and reservoir engineering expertise in evaluating target storage formations, determining storage capacity and modeling the movement of fluids within the formation. We employ state-of-the-art mapping and modeling tools to forecast the location of the CO2 plume to insure its confinement for decades into the future.
Design and Operation
Every candidate storage formation is unique in its character and response to CO2 injection. Designing the wells and injection program to address the unique features insures sustainability, operational safety and reliability. The design phase establishes optimum well location and well design and acceptable injection rates to insure well and formation integrity. TERRACOH is focused on getting CO2 into the formation, managing its dispersion within the formation and avoiding leakages to the adjoining formations.
Because we can never have a crystal-clear picture of the formation and its properties’ local variabilities, TERRACOH adheres to the EPA guidelines for monitoring the plume’s distribution in the formation. We work with oil field service companies to identify and deploy the best tools to measure the plume’s location and the integrity of wells penetrating the formation on a regular basis. This allows us to rapidly respond to any issues with the wells. Further, matching that data with our reservoir simulation results, we fine tune the representation of the formation to insure we understand how the plume is evolving during injection as well as how it will disperse for decades in the future, even post-injection.
TerraCOH aims to lower global emissions by safely sequestering carbon dioxide and producing emission-free geothermal powergeothermal power. The company's technology allows carbon-free energy, using the power of fossil fuels without any problems, and store vast quantities of CO2 permanently and safely underground. The technology expands the global use of geothermal energy and delivers low-cost, emission-free, full-time baseload, dispatchable electricity, and grid-level energy storage.
TerraCOH aims to lower global emissions by safely sequestering carbon dioxide and producing emission-free geothermal power. The company's technology allows carbon-free energy, using the power of fossil fuels without any problems, and store vast quantities of CO2 permanently and safely underground. The technology expands the global use of geothermal energy and delivers low-cost, emission-free, full-time baseload, dispatchable electricity, and grid-level energy storageenergy storage.
TerraCOH aims to lower global emissions by safely sequestering carbon dioxide and producing emission-free geothermal power. The company's technology allows carbon-free energy, using the power of fossil fuels without any problems, and store vast quantities of CO2 permanently and safely underground. The technology expands the global use of geothermal energygeothermal energy and delivers low-cost, emission-free, full-time baseload, dispatchable electricity, and grid-level energy storage.