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takes place in 1995. NATO peacekeeping forces, which include a group of Russian special forces under the command of Andrei Shatalov, capture an Albanian militant in Bosnia. During the operation, one of the commandos is killed. After the evacuation, it turns out that the militant was ordered to be released, but Shatalov, as a result of the conflict on board, throws the militant out of the helicopter, directly violating the order, referring to "translation difficulties". For this, his group is outlawed in his homeland.1999. NATO begins bombing Yugoslavia, destroying residential buildings and hospitals. At the same time, in Moscow, General Somov gives Begu Etkhoev, Shatalov's former commander, a secret order to occupy Slatin Airport in Pristina and hold it until the arrival of a column of Russian peacekeepers. Beck persuades the general to allow him to assemble Shatalov's former group, which is still hiding in Yugoslavia, to complete the combat mission, to which Somov reluctantly eventually agrees.Meanwhile, Shatalov, who lives in Yugoslavia under the name of Rade Tomic, comes to the crook Goran, who ordered a Yugoslav passport. The document is ready, but upon closer examination it turns out to be a low-quality fake. At this moment, the local police break into Goran's house. The head of the police station, Goran Milich, offers Shatalov a deal: either he tells the truth about himself and gets a job, or he remains silent and is deported to Russia. Andrey, for whom returning home means going to court-martial, reveals himself, and Milich, keeping his word, employs him at his station and corrects his real passport.The rest of the former members of the group cannot find themselves. Vera Kurbaeva, a former sniper of the group, works as a security guard in a brothel. Ilya Slashchev drinks at a local bar almost every day. Only former sapper Oleg Barmin manages to put his skills into practice: he helps his Yugoslav colleagues to clear the dropped and unexploded shells. Having found everyone except Shatalov himself, who is believed to have framed his entire group, Beck gathers them and initiates them into the course of the task, promising that for successful completion they will all be allowed to return home, they will be fully rehabilitated and reinstated in rank and awards.At this time, a Russian peacekeeping battalion is training on armored personnel carriers in Bosnia. Immediately after arriving at the location, a call is received from General Somov, transmitting an order to move towards Slatina.Vuk, a young Serbian policeman from the Milic police station, a former paratrooper, has his whole family killed by Albanian militants in his native village right on the holiday. He is distraught with grief, and Milic, along with another subordinate, Albanian Fadil, forcibly keep him from lynching.Tomic heads by bus towards Prizren and on the way meets a local girl-a doctor named Jasna. At a mountain pass, their bus is stopped by a gang of Smuk, an Albanian militant who is fighting for "great Albania" and does not disdain any means to achieve his goals. Bandits drop people off the bus, beat them, one of them knocks out Tomic, and Smuk himself kills a priest for refusing to utter the phrase "There is no God but Allah."After that, one of the bandits tries to rape Yasna, but Tomic, waking up, seizes the moment, takes the Bag hostage himself, destroys several militants and, shooting through the wheels of their cars, forces Smuk to order the others to lay down their weapons. Russian Russian Serb" (Tomic had previously reported about the Russian mother) becomes a blood enemy for the militant from that moment on.Having escorted the passengers of the bus to the Glogovac hospital, where Yasna was going to work, Tomic, entrusting them to the head of the hospital, Dr. Stern from Switzerland, together with Yasna, takes the priest's body to the monastery, after which he offers the girl his empty apartment for the night.In search of Tomic, Smuk captures a police station in the morning and takes Milic prisoner, demanding to hand over a "Russian Serb", but Milic refuses to report anything, calling Smuk an ordinary bandit and stating that Kosovo was and will be Serbian, resists and dies with honor, eliminating two militants with a knife of one of them.During Milic's execution, Vuk almost kills a young Albanian militant, and then stands up for that Fadil. Then the latter calls Tomic, telling him about Milic's death and warning about the danger.The Bitch gang takes dozens of Serbs hostage, including Jasna, issued by Stern, and holds them on the territory of Slatina Airport. Unwilling to put up with his subordination to NATO, which Stern reminds him of, Smuk kills the doctor and his assistant Marta, and then interrogates Yasna about Tomic's whereabouts, during the interrogation killing one hostage and threatening to kill the second, a little girl. Unable to stand it, the girl gives out the address of the "Russian Serb". Smook leaves for Tomic, and his thugs kill all the hostages, except for Yasna, whom Smoke ordered not to touch, and the little girl who managed to hide.The former Shatalov group, which is now led by Beck, occupies the airfield. Soon after, Shatalov-Tomic, Vuk and Fadil enter the territory of the already cleared airport and meet with Beck's group. He is not at all happy about the unexpected meeting and demands that Shatalov and the police leave the airport, but Vuk, a staunch patriot of Serbia, abruptly refuses. The skirmish is interrupted by the appearance of the Smuk bandits' reconnaissance car, in which four people are traveling. Sniper Vera, who has already taken up a position, kills two of them, but is wounded by a heavy machine gun, and the remaining two quickly leave. Arriving at Tomic's apartment and not finding the enemy, Smuk learns from an assistant about the seizure of the airport and becomes enraged, arranging a pogrom. Shatalov, meanwhile, reports that there are more than a hundred militants in Smuk's gang, and Beg, realizing that every fighter counts, forcibly allows all three to stay.Meanwhile, a group of peacekeeping forces under the command of Colonel Platov, having changed the SFOR markings on their armored personnel carriers to KFOR, is moving in an organized column towards Slatin airport.Beck's group is distributed by positions. The surviving Yasna, still on the territory of the airport, "Tomic", with whom she began an affair, hides in the control room — the safest place. Only here he reveals his real name to her.After sunset, the Smuk fighters arrive at the airport, and an unequal battle ensues, which continues all night. After several unsuccessful attempts to break through, the militants shell the airfield with mortars. During the shelling, a fighter nicknamed Giray is fatally wounded. Vera is flooded with debris as a result of the explosion. The fadil from the RPG shot falls down through the wooden ceiling of the terminal. To destroy the mortars, Slashchev sacrifices himself by directing a loaded fuel tanker at them. Saving Yasna, Shatalov is seriously wounded. Loses a leg as a result of an explosion in the Criminal code. Realizing that there will be no mercy for him, he puts on the object of his pride — a red beret — in order to die with dignity, and remains to cover Shatalov's retreat. By morning, the special group has almost no ammunition left.All the surviving members of the group (Beck, Shatalov, super Bartender, sniper Vera), as well as Yasna and a little girl, also a former hostage, gather in the control room. Smoke kills his Grandson, takes his beret and cuts off his head, after which he demands that the surrounded surrender. The group does not intend to surrender alive, but they have only four rounds left. Vera decides to shoot herself first, but realizing that she is unable to do it on her own, she asks Beck about it. At the last moment, a second before their imminent death, they hear Russian speech over the radio and realize that a convoy of Russian peacekeepers has arrived at the airport.The remaining eight militants flee, and Smuk is about to flee by car, but when he is about to start the car, a knife pierces through his neck: Fadil, with a dead face, takes revenge for everyone. Taking his Grandson's red beret out of the car, he leaves.The group secretly leaves the airport. Yasna and the girl are found by Russian peacekeepers who occupied the entire territory shortly before the arrival of NATO forces. The commander of the platoon of armored personnel carriers, Kolya Poltoratsky, orders his subordinates: "Do whatever you want, just so that he [the NATO helicopter] does not land!", and he himself stands at the head of the department with a machine gun at the airport checkpoint. General Jackson on the phone utters the phrase that has gone down in history: "I will not start World War III for you!"A year later. Belgrade. Yasna leaves the church and walks down the street. There are two people sitting in the taxi car behind — the driver and, as it turns out, the survivor Andrey Shatalov. Andrey, apparently, has already told the taxi driver about his beloved, and he, seeing Yasna, asks: "Is this her?" Shatalov answers in the affirmative, and the taxi driver demands that he go to her. After hesitating, Andrey gets out of the car and calls out to Yasna. She hears him and turns around. This is the end of the film.
The credits tell that the Russian peacekeeping contingent was withdrawn from Kosovo in 2003, after which the killings of the Serbian population resumed and continue to this day.