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The Jack Fruit Company, formerly known as Global Fruit Village, was founded by Annie Ryu in 2011 and is located in Boulder, Colorado. The Jackfruit Company works with local farmers to sustainably and ethically harvest jackfruit and has become a global leader in the global jackfruit supply chain.
Annie Ryu was inspired to start the company after travelling to India to develop a maternal and childcare program with her brother. During her time in India she became intrigued by the Jackfruit tree and began researching its ecological potential, nutritional value, and potential to be included in food products internationally. She discovered that much of the fruit produced by jackfruit trees was not being used by locals throughout India and other regions of South, and South East Asia where the tree is commonly found. She also learned a jackfruit tree can produce up to two to three tons on jackfruit annually with little maintenance. From this experience, Ryu decided it was time for her to start a food company that could bring the Jackfruit, and products made using the Jackfruit, to a broader international market.
The Jackfruit Company sources its jackfruits from thousands of farm across southern India and sells its jackfruit based products in over 8,000 stores across the United States.
In January, 2016, The Jackfruit Company raised $1,500,000 in equity funding from a group of investors that included a former executive at Walmart, and the Wild Oats supermarket chain, Roger Davidson.