A family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, BreakthroughBreakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
A family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and NanosolarNanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMedConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United StatesUnited States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, CaliforniaPalo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharmamPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice InitiativeEqual Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.
A family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs.
The Skoll Foundation is a family investment office in California that focuses on investing in social entrepreneurs. Founded 1999 in Palo Alto, California, United States by Jeffrey S. Skoll, it invests in late stage ventures. The Skoll Foundation is a foundation in the field of social entrepreneurship. As of March 2020, over the past 14 years, they have awarded approximately $413 million, including investments in 108 remarkable social entrepreneurs and 87 organizations on five continents in underserved communities. In addition to these investments, the company funds a $25 million portfolio of program-related investments (PRIs). Its portfolio companies include mPedigree Network, mPharma, ConnectMed, Namati, Breakthrough, Equal Justice Initiative, Living Goods, Videre, and Nanosolar. As of March 2020, The Skoll Foundation has made nine investments. Their most recent investment was on April 4, 2019, when mPedigree Network raised $1.5M. The Skoll Foundation has had one exit, which was ConnectMed.