SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Third Dimension Technologies will perform design of a 45-deg x 45-deg full parallax Field of Light Display (FoLD) system in Phase I, and will also during Phase I build a simple 3 x 3 array proof of concept FoLD system. A FoLD display provides full parallax 3D viewing without glasses or headgear, just as if the viewer was looking through a window. The Phase I design will include an assessment of space, weight, ergonomics, power, performance, and integration (SWEPPI) for the 45-deg x 45-deg FoLD system. The system designed will be capable of full-color video-rate display in full parallax with high resolution at each 4mm diameter pupil position within a minimum field of view (FoV) of 45-deg’s for use in a command and control center environment. In Phase II TDT will build a prototype system and develop a roadmap for scaling to wall-size displays. This innovative FoLD technology will provide stunning 3D views with full vergence (pointing) and accommodation (focus) matching so that viewers will be able to observe dynamic 3D imagery without any ergonomic conflicts or display sickness.