TIME To KNOW is an Israel-based technology company developing a digital platform for use in classrooms and training centers.
Time to Know began as a nonprofit with the goal of improving elementary school education and has evolved into a for-profit venture being tested in schools in New York CityNew York City and Israel.
The company was established in 2004 by Shmuel Meitar and Morris KahnMorris Kahn of the Aurec Group. It started with a vision of personalized and data driven learning that later split into two companies: “Et Hada'at”, focusing on K-12 and TIME To KNOW, focusing on workforce, business and corporate training.
Time to Know began as a nonprofit with the goal of improving elementary school education and has evolved into a for-profit venture being tested in schools in New York City and IsraelIsrael.
TIME To KNOW is a SaaSSaaS platform used for workforce training that can be used in many industries, including retail, medical/healthcare, technology and financial services/insurance. TIME To KNOW supports more than 500,000 users in the EMEA, LATAM and APAC regions. Utilizing micro-learning methods, auto-enrichment and AI technologies, trainers use the platform to distribute content, make recommendations, and receive results and metrics to monitor the progression of their learner’s knowledge development.
TIME To KNOW is an Israel-based technology company developing a digital platform for use in classrooms and training centers.
TIME To KNOW is a SaaS platform used for workforce training that can be used in many industries, including retail, medical/healthcare, technology and financial services/insurance. TIME To KNOW supports more than 500,000 users in the EMEA, LATAM and APAC regions. Utilizing micro-learning methods, auto-enrichment and AI technologies, trainers use the platform to distribute content, make recommendations, and receive results and metrics to monitor the progression of their learner’s knowledge development.
In educational settings, students use laptops connected to the teacher's computer, which allows the teacher to devote individual attention to students via the system. The system analyzes student performance in real time so the teacher can see who needs help.
Time to Know began as a nonprofit with the goal of improving elementary school education and has evolved into a for-profit venture being tested in schools in New York City and Israel.
The company was established in 2004 by Shmuel Meitar and Morris Kahn of the Aurec Group. It started with a vision of personalized and data driven learning that later split into two companies: “Et Hada'at”, focusing on K-12 and TIME To KNOW, focusing on workforce, business and corporate training.
TIME To KNOW is an Israel-based technology company developing a digital platform for use in classrooms and training centers.