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The young rapper was born in Moscow on October 22, 2000, his childhood years were spent in the Maryino area. Timur said that his parents paid little attention to him and his sister: his father left the family in 2008, when Timur was only 8 years old, and his mother was constantly busy with other things, besides children, and practically did not raise them, as a result of which they was raised by the rapper's grandmother. Timur also said that in childhood he talked a lot with his uncle, who then worked at the Next FM radio station as a DJ.
Over time, during his school days, the rapper had to resell stolen phones and distribute soft drugs, as he then had a need for additional income.

Since 2011, Timur began to write his first musical compositions. In 2013, he exhibited his first works in the hip-hop genre to his friends and classmates. Unfortunately for him, no one supported the young performer, and some even laughed at Timur. The rapper admitted that he came up with his pseudonym THRILL PILL when he was 15 years old. Once he reached the state of alcoholic intoxication, having drunk his mother's cognac, and came up with this very pseudonym along with his new song.
Timur's first work can be considered his EP "Atlanta", released in 2015.
Shortly thereafter, he recorded his first full-length music album "WorldWideWar", which included 4 songs. the adsorber turned out to be very successful, and the more famous Russian rap artist LIZER was made on the album attention. He invites Timur to join the creative association "Sunset 99.1". So Thrill Pill was the youngest in the team, at the time of the transfer he was 15 years old.
Soon Timur released the album "Kill Pill". The album turned out to be quite successful compared to the rest of the artist's work at that time. Before him, Thrill Pill had quite a few collaborative singles with other members of Sunset 99.1, such as "CUP", "Plug", "Telegram" with LIZER, "NO FEELINGS" with Enique and others work. It is noteworthy that "Kill Pill" was completely solo and turned out to be quite large, including 7 tracks.
Later, in 2016, he released another compilation called "Chelsea", some of the songs of which he helped record with LIZER, Flesh and KRESTALL / Courier.
In 2017, the rapper decides to leave Zakat 99.1, as his creative concept did not coincide with the concept of the members of this association[4]. In the same year, the collection "From Russia With Rage" was released, consisting of 4 tracks, one of which featured Lil $ega.
At the end of April 2017, the EP "Trap Star" was released, in support of which a concert tour took place. In August of the same year, the album "Chelsea 2" was released. In 2018, the EP “SAM DAMB SHIELD (Volume 1)” was released, and in January 2019 — “SAM DAMB SHIELD, Vol. 2".

The debut studio album "Revelations", released on November 8, 2019 on the Warner Music Russia label, is the most successful in Thrill Pill's career. He reached high positions in the domestic charts and scored a large number of plays on various platforms.
On May 19, 2020, the video for the single "Sad Song" was deleted due to a conflict with his label, which Timur told about on Instagram, but later the clip was returned to YouTube.
Having handed over the release of "Moscow Chronicles" to the label, Timur shared the details of cooperation with the label. At the time of writing the Revelations album, the artist had a creative crisis, due to which the release was delayed, which Warner Music Russia did not like. Then Thrill Pill and his manager decided to resell the album on Sony Music. After such a decision, threats followed from the director of Warner Music Russia. The director promised that if Timur leaves, they will do everything to make the album fail. Thrill Pill decided to release the album from them and go to Sony Music, but when everything was ready, the director said that if they did not sign a contract for 10 more songs, then neither the video nor the album would be released. Then the next album had to be taken to Warner Music Russia.
On June 19, 2020, the Moscow Chronicles album was released on the same label, after which Timur left Warner Music Russia.
After that, Thrill Pill released a couple of singles and an EP for his birthday "BIRTHDAY MIX 2020" first on Soundcloud, and then on other platforms, except for a remix of an alternative version of the track "PUZO" with SKB due to copyright, which belongs to Warner Music Russia.
On March 15, 2021, Timur posted an excerpt from a new track, which immediately gained viral popularity on TikTok. The track itself was released on April 16 under the name “Millions”, this work was supported in their stories by such artists as MORGENSHTERN, Slava Marlow, blago white, etc. Also, the new Thrill Pill track hit the top 100 Apple Music in Russia.

Trill Pill makes hip-hop, rap and trap music[3]. Many accuse Timur of an abundance of vulgarity and foul language in his songs, but he himself claims that in this way he protests against the modern rap industry, where everything, in his opinion, is literally saturated with falsehood and insincerity.
The main themes of early Trill Pill songs are fun, alcohol, girls, sex and drugs.
On March 8, 2018, the Fuelle Noir mixtape is released, due to which many haters changed their minds about Trill Pill, and even began to respect his work.
On November 8, the first studio album "Revelations" is released, in which both bangers (for example, "Aristocrat Flow") and rather lyrical tracks are mixed (for example, the track "Aliens").