Person attributes
Tom Hanson is a well-known video blogger. In his videos, he shows motorists how to pump and transform their vehicles.
As an enthusiastic creative person, Tom enthusiastically talks only about his brainchild. Where and when he was born remains a secret for 100,000 subscribers. But if you collect information about this blogger bit by bit, you can understand that he lives in Moscow, speaks excellent Russian. Therefore, most likely, Tom Hanson is a native of Mother Russia, and he took such a pseudonym so that the name and surname were in the Western manner. He also named his brainchild in English.
From an interview with Tom, you can find out that his fascination with cars began for him as a child. Already at such a young age, he painstakingly studied cars, because of this he broke all his father's cars, which were collectible. There were Soviet and rare foreign models of cars.
now the guy regrets the broken rarities and even reproaches his father a little that the child should not have been allowed to play such things. But family is family. And sometimes the wife, husband pamper their desired child, give him toys that are of considerable value.