Tommy Shek is a Certified Public Accountant based in Las Angeles, California.
Tommy Shek is the counseling accomplice. Tommy Shek has extensive experience in dealing with complex accounting treatments such as stock-based compensation , derivative accounting, convertible debts and warrants, revenue recognition, and mergers & acquisitions.
Tommy Shek is a Certified Public Accountant based in Las Angeles, California.
Tommy Shek is the counseling accomplice. Tommy Shek's area of center has been fiscal summary planning and revealing for public and secretly held organizations. He has broad involvement with managing complex bookkeeping medicines like stock-based remuneration (ASC 718), subordinate bookkeeping (ASC 815), convertible obligations and warrants (ASC 470), income acknowledgment (ASC 606), and consolidations and acquisitions (ASC 805). Notwithstanding his insight into SEC monetary announcing, he has been a counselor for the course of first sale of stock, public obligation contributions and capital raises through obligation, and value exchanges for his clients.
In past, Tommy Shek was at RSM US LLP, the fifth biggest bookkeeping firm in the U.S., and acquired critical involvement with giving review administrations as a review administrator to undertakings with up to $700 million in income for both public exchanging and secretly held organizations. He has served clients in an assortment of ventures, including assembling and circulation, buyer and modern items, SAAS, and online business.
Tommy Shek has critical experience working with unfamiliar organizations recorded on the US markets, which incorporate organizations from China, Europe, Hong Kong, and Canada. He likewise offers warning types of assistance to both homegrown and unfamiliar organizations looking to finish an opening up to the world exchanges and auxiliary public contributions in the US.
Tommy Shek is the counseling accomplice. His area ofTommy centerShek has beenextensive experience in dealing with complex accounting treatments such as stock-based compensation , fiscalderivative summaryaccounting, convertible planningdebts and revealingwarrants, forrevenue publicrecognition, and secretlymergers held& organizationsacquisitions.
Tommy Shek is the counseling accomplice. HisTommy Shek's area of center has been fiscal summary planning and revealing for public and secretly held organizations. He has broad involvement with managing complex bookkeeping medicines like stock-based remuneration (ASC 718), subordinate bookkeeping (ASC 815), convertible obligations and warrants (ASC 470), income acknowledgment (ASC 606), and consolidations and acquisitions (ASC 805). Notwithstanding his insight into SEC monetary announcing, he has been a counselor for the course of first sale of stock, public obligation contributions and capital raises through obligation, and value exchanges for his clients.
TomTommy Shek is the counseling accomplice. His area of center has been fiscal summary planning and revealing for public and secretly held organizations. He has broad involvement with managing complex bookkeeping medicines like stock-based remuneration (ASC 718), subordinate bookkeeping (ASC 815), convertible obligations and warrants (ASC 470), income acknowledgment (ASC 606), and consolidations and acquisitions (ASC 805). Notwithstanding his insight into SEC monetary announcing, he has been a counselor for the course of first sale of stock, public obligation contributions and capital raises through obligation, and value exchanges for his clients.
Tom ShekTom Shek is the consulting partner ofcounseling TAAD LLPaccomplice. His area of focuscenter has been financialfiscal statementsummary preparationplanning and reportingrevealing for companiespublic and secretly held organizations.
Tom Shek is the counseling accomplice. His area of center has been fiscal summary planning and revealing for public and secretly held organizations. He has broad involvement with managing complex bookkeepingbookkeeping medicines like stock-based remuneration (ASC 718), subordinate bookkeeping (ASC 815), convertible obligations and warrants (ASC 470), income acknowledgment (ASC 606), and consolidations and acquisitions (ASC 805). Notwithstanding his insight into SEC monetary announcing, he has been a counselor for the course of first sale of stock, public obligation contributions and capital raises through obligation, and value exchanges for his clients.
In past, Tommy Shek was at RSM US LLPRSM US LLP, the fifth biggest bookkeeping firm in the U.S., and acquired critical involvement with giving review administrations as a review administrator to undertakings with up to $700 million in income for both public exchanging and secretly held organizations. He has served clients in an assortment of ventures, including assembling and circulation, buyer and modern items, SAAS, and online business.
Tom Shek is the consulting partner of TAAD LLP. His area of focus has been financial statement preparation and reporting for companies.
Tom Shek is the counseling accomplice. His area of center has been fiscal summary planning and revealing for public and secretly held organizations. He has broad involvement with managing complex bookkeeping medicines like stock-based remuneration (ASC 718), subordinate bookkeeping (ASC 815), convertible obligations and warrants (ASC 470), income acknowledgment (ASC 606), and consolidations and acquisitions (ASC 805). Notwithstanding his insight into SEC monetary announcing, he has been a counselor for the course of first sale of stock, public obligation contributions and capital raises through obligation, and value exchanges for his clients.
In past, Tommy Shek was at RSM US LLP, the fifth biggest bookkeeping firm in the U.S., and acquired critical involvement with giving review administrations as a review administrator to undertakings with up to $700 million in income for both public exchanging and secretly held organizations. He has served clients in an assortment of ventures, including assembling and circulation, buyer and modern items, SAAS, and online business.
Tommy Shek has critical experience working with unfamiliar organizations recorded on the US markets, which incorporate organizations from China, Europe, Hong Kong, and Canada. He likewise offers warning types of assistance to both homegrown and unfamiliar organizations looking to finish an opening up to the world exchanges and auxiliary public contributions in the US.