The largest higher educational institution of the Trans- Baikal Territory
The largest higher educational institution of the Trans- Baikal Territory
The largest higher educational institution of the Trans- Baikal Territory
The largest higher educational institution of the Trans-Baikal Territory; located in the city of Chita. On May 10, 2011, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved an order to rename Chita State University — CHITSU to Zabaikalsky State University — ZabSU.
Zabaikalsky State University is the largest educational, scientific and innovative center of the Trans-Baikal Territory and trains specialists for industrial enterprises, state, municipal bodies and law enforcement agencies of Transbaikalia, the Far East and other regions.
In 2012, based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the N. G. Chernyshevsky Zabaykalsky State Humanitarian Pedagogical University - N. G. Chernyshevsky ZABGPU was joined to the Zabaykalsky State University.
In 1921, the Institute of Public Education was established in Chita, called the Trans-Baikal University. It had 3 faculties. It was the time of the DVR. In 1923, by the decision of the Russian government, he was transferred to Vladivostok, where the Far Eastern University was founded.
In 1937, the Chita region was formed. New socio-economic conditions have put forward the task of training teachers and other specialists with higher education. The pedagogical schools of Sretensk, Baley, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Aginsk trained teachers for primary schools. The region was replenished with teachers with higher education from other regions of Siberia.
For the 1939/40 academic year, 15.9% of teachers with higher education worked in 959 schools in the region. Two-thirds of the directors and employees of IT did not have a higher education.
On August 25, 1938, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 265 was issued on the opening of four—year institutes with three faculties - historical, philological and physico-mathematical - simultaneously in Arkhangelsk, Magnitogorsk and Chita. The admission plan for 1938 was set at 120 people. A lot of organizational and economic work was carried out by IT, local authorities. The Institute received a building at 45 Albazinskaya (Kurnatovsky) Street. A little later, the institute moved to 140 Chkalov Street.
On October 7, 1938, classes began at the first university of Transbaikalia. Director of the Institute G. I. Filonov gave the first lecture. A year later he was replaced by N. A. Rodionov, a graduate of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen. Among the first teachers of the university is Nikolai Alexandrovich Kaslov, a graduate of the physics department of Irkutsk University. He worked at the university in various positions from senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, head of the department to vice-rector for Academic and Scientific Work and rector of the university.
First of all, the composition of teachers was formed from school employees. Also among the first teachers were mathematicians E. P. and M. T. Kholodovsky, historian V. G. Izgachev, philologists M. A. Masalov, N. A. Zamoshnikova, A.D. Plotnikova.
With the beginning of the Second World War, the university was moved to the building on Frunze Street No. 1 (now the IPK of Education workers), and an evacuation hospital for the seriously wounded was located in the building on Chkalov Street. Students helped to take care of the wounded, collected warm clothes and funds to help the front, harvested firewood and coal and heated stoves in the university and dormitories.
The dropout from the university was large. There were years when the question of closing the institute was raised. He fought, returned after N. A. Kaslov was wounded and began working as a director of the university and head of the Department of Mathematics. Many students died in the war. So, the former director N. A. Rodionov died defending Moscow. Students P. I. Akimov, N. Kuznetsov, P. Leontiev and others died.
Among the first graduates of the Institute are Zh. D. Dorzhiev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, director of the Aginsky District Museum of Local Lore named after G. Ts. Tsybikov, author of books on the history of Transbaikalia, the history of education and culture of the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. The graduate philologist B. V. Zheschinskaya, who created the literature cabinet, is still working.
After the war, the institute grew based on the need for teachers.
Such teachers as N. A. Kaslov, E. P. and M. T. Kholodovsky, A.M. Sokolova, I. A. Savchenko, M. A. Masalov, Ya. I. Drazninas, A. I. Valentinova, I. A. Shiber, P. E. Kryazhev, V. G. Izgachev, L. S. Kler, D. E. Klymnyuk, A. I. Fedosov, M. M. Fischer, A. I. Gorshkov, F. F. Maysky, M. A. Chistov, M. L. Pinegina, A. D. Plotnikova, A.M. Chernikov.
Many well—known figures in the field came out of the walls of the university - M. V. Chernyaev and P. E. Chernyaeva, K. M. Konoplev, V. I. Vasilevsky, I. P. Cherepakhin, N. I. Alekseev, M. I. Nikiforov, V. Gerasimov, P. G. Govorin, D. S. Akhmetov, M. N. Akhmetova, A. A. Zhen, A.V. Prokopenko, M. N. Sivtsova, N. I. Borisov, P. P. Zakharov, A. I. Patronov, N. E. Sukhanov, P. V. Arzamas.
For some time (1945-1948), the director of the institute was the famous linguist L. N. Vorobyov.
In 1952, the Faculty of Foreign Languages was opened. In 1953, the geofak was opened, then renamed EGF. In 1958 — Faculty of Physical Education. At that time, apartments for teachers and academic buildings for the FIA, EGF, FFV and dormitories were built.
The university was closely connected with the schools of the city and the region. The mainstay of the institute are such schools as № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 19, 46. Students practice in them. Hundreds of teachers of Chita are mentors of students. Creative teams work in the schools of the region, the backbone of which is our graduates. These are the schools of Sherlovaya Gora, Darasun, Pervomaisk, Aginsky, Krasnokamensk, Baley, Shilki, Borzi, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky.
By Resolution No. 1463 of December 30, 1963, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR named the institute after N. G. Chernyshevsky. The creative heritage of the teacher, philosopher, revolutionary democrat, writer, the team has been studying and studying for a long time. Annual scientific and methodological conferences of students and teachers are dedicated to him.
At the initiative of B. L. League, Ph.D., associate professor, and then professor of the Department of Pedagogy, a wealth of material was collected and a museum was opened. With the arrival of B. L. League at the university, an active process of fascination with local lore began. The university actively participates in the preparation and conduct of literary and local history readings, evenings, screenings, TV and radio broadcasts.
The activity of such teachers as Y. P. Rudenko, I. M. Osokin, O. M. Barkina, O. M. Druzhinina, M. V. Konstantinov, I. I. Kirillov, E. V. Kovychev, V. P. Konstantinova, V. I. Ostroumov, T. T. Isakova, N. S. Vaulin, A. K. Baranov, A. Ya. Voronina, S. D. Uvarova, L. B. Sokolovskaya, V. F. Nemerov, S. A. Sedova, A. E. Vlasov is highlighted. A great event in the life of the university was the opening of the People's Museum of V. I. Lenin, the Museum of Archeology, expositions on the nature protection of Transbaikalia at the EGF. On their basis, a powerful museum association was created, where hundreds of students had an internship in museum work.
A military department was created to train military instructors. It has a good material base and is staffed by professional officers.
Every year, the Institute, together with the regional Department of Education, holds an Olympiad in natural and mathematical disciplines, classes at the school of young mathematicians, ecologists, chemists. Our archaeologists and local historians enjoy great authority in the field.
Enthusiasts-historians V. P. Konstantinova and her sons - Mikhail and Alexander - have created two museums - the Chita Teachers' Seminary and the Museum of Public Education of Transbaikalia. They have become a center for educating young people and schoolchildren in the spirit of love for their native land and the teaching profession.
Teaching staff: more than 500 teachers, including about 50 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 220 associate professors and candidates of sciences. The contingent of students: more than 9 thousand students, of which about 5 thousand are full-time, more than 4 thousand are part—time students. Types of educational documents issued to graduates: bachelor's degree, specialist's degree with higher professional education.
In recent years, a lot of work has been done at the Institute to train highly qualified personnel. Postgraduate studies in 15 specialties have been opened. 450 teachers work at the university. Of these, 30 doctors of sciences, professors, 170 candidates, associate professors. For a number of years, the university's management has been working on the transition to a multi-level system of education. Many textbooks, elective courses (elective courses) have been created, the material base of many faculties has been strengthened.
Now the Institute has 4,500 full-time students and 2,000 part-time students. The university admission service is working vigorously. Short-term and long-term courses are held. Enrollment for the first year is increasing. Only in 1997 , 1 thousand 500 people were accepted for the first course .
The university has become a center for regional and international conferences. A city multidisciplinary lyceum has been opened here. Its activities are supervised by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Psychology, PhD, Klimenko T. K. The Institute joined the Association of Universities of the Far East and Transbaikalia, organized the work of many scientific laboratories. The authority is used by the laboratory "Problems of complex human study. A man in the conditions of Transbaikalia". It is headed by V. A. Kobylyansky, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. 4 volumes of scientific research have been published.
In recent years, the work in dormitories has significantly improved, the Wanderer theater has been created, the KVN team performs successfully, there is its own folklore collective.
On the initiative of the rector, Academician of the REA V. P. Gorlachev, the university was certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The team was highly appreciated. The academic performance of students is growing from year to year, the quality of knowledge at all nine faculties is improving.
By order of the Institute, the Faculty of History was transformed into the Faculty of History and Law on October 31, 1996, where they teach in the specialties "history" and "jurisprudence". The training of specialists in computer science and a foreign language at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has been opened. The specialization "ecology" has been introduced and training in the specialty "ecology and biology" has been opened. The Faculty of Philology has opened training in the specialization "journalism", as well as "Russian language and literature", "Buryat language and literature". Currently, the university has 41 departments in twelve faculties. Thanks to the professionalism of university graduates R. F. Geniatulin, J. D. Dorzhiev, V. S. Kutaev, P. N. Smolyakov and many others, the university is on the rise, its influence and authority are growing.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation found it possible and necessary by order of March 26, 1997 to transform the pedagogical Institute into the Trans-Baikal State Pedagogical University.
May 10, 2010
May 7, 2003
May 2, 1974
March 5, 1972
May 8, 1967
March 2, 1966
The largest higher educational institution of the Trans- Baikal Territory