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The best exchange to trade Twenty22 is currently . You can find other exchanges on our .
t is a decentralized token ERC20 BEP20 built on binance smart chain with a smart contract that burns 1% per transaction
It is a first-tier solution project that aims to eliminate the high fees that can come with trading on AMM market maker platforms, Twenty22 project aims to make trading processes fast at very low cost by developing TG to ensure the speed of transactions up to 7000 transactions per second at low cost Very, like many AMMS, Twenty22 allows users to trade currencies and assets, but what distinguishes it from the rest of the AMM automated market maker and makes it the focus of investors is its high speed, low cost and higher rewards for liquidity providers, for example 0.5 of the trading fee on the pair that participates in the liquidity on it In proportion to the share in the pool can be claimed by withdrawing from the liquidity.