Twilight Sparkle (eng. Twilight sparkle ) - a pony - a lilac unicorn , with a dark blue mane and pink-purple strands. Her cutie mark is a pink six-pointed star surrounded by five small white stars. She is the former best student of Princess Celestia and the main character of the series. She used to live in Canterlot , where she studied under the tutelage of the princess, but then moved to Ponyville , where she now works as a librarian and became a teacher at the Friendship School.Twilight regularly maintains a correspondence with her mentor. Until the end of the fourth season, she lived in the city libraryalong with the young dragon Spike and the owl Owl . Unfortunately, in the last episode of the fourth season, the library was completely destroyed by Lord Tirek , but later the Castle of the Rainbow Kingdom appeared in its place , in which she now lives. Twilight Sparkle represents the element of magic . After the Mysterious Magic Cure series, she turned into an alicorn and was awarded the title of princess, thus becoming the fourth alicorn from the already known Princess Celestia , Princess Luna and Princess Cadance .
In Twilight's original design , Lauren Faust used the color scheme and cutie mark from the first generation pony named Twilight (Twilight), who appeared in the Rescue at Midnight Castle pilot . Subsequently, Twilight Sparkle's color scheme was changed to that of a third-generation earth pony named Twilight Twinkle ( Twilight Twinkle ), with a slightly modified mane and tail. Twilight from the first generation could teleport at will, and Twilight Twinkle liked to look at fireflies; Twilight has both of these ponies' traits, with her ability to teleport and occasional stargazing, although she is much more immersed in her studies and possesses more powerfulmagical abilities . She also shares several personality traits with Wind Whistler , such as a tendency to rely more on logic than instinct, and a habit of using complex and technical terms.
Princess Celestia sent Twilight to Ponyville to see how the preparations for the Sun Day Celebration were going and to try to make friends with the other ponies. She is still trying to avoid the last assignment and is focusing more on her studies. When Moonpony is released, she tells her new "friends" that she will go alone to defeat Moonpony , but despite this, they all insist on helping her with this task. After seeing how much her new friends have been able to do for her, she begins to open up and realizes that she needs friends to defeat Moonpony . Together they save Equestriafrom eternal night. Twilight expresses her desire to stay with her new friends in Ponyville . She has to send a friendship report every week.
Although she remains extremely loyal to her friends throughout the series, Twilight briefly loses faith in her friends in Harmony Restored. Part 1 " and " Part 2 ". In these episodes , Princess Celestia summons the ponies to her castle to use the Elements of Harmony once more , where they encounter Discord . After luring them into a royal maze of riddles, Discord alters all of Twilight's friends to do everything opposite to their elements. Over the course of two episodes, their relationship has gotten to Twilight too, where they abandon each other until she almost gives up on her friends and Ponyville . However, when she finds everythingFriendship letters sent by Princess Celestia and reading them, Twilight regains faith in her friends. She decided to restore their identities with a "Memory Spell" that shows the times of their friendship. Once all of her friends return to normal, they use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord and turn him back to stone.
Twilight is generally the "straight pony" of the series, being the most calm, rational, and level-headed pony. However, there were many instances where her patience and sanity were questioned and even lost. A spark burns, in the truest sense of the word, in the episodes “The Magic of Friendship. Part 1 " and " Pinky's Intuition ", although these cases are more often caused by something unpleasant. In the first place, she is startled by the hot sauce, and in the second, she becomes angry after Pinkie Pie tells her there is something else "major" that will come after the Hydra 's life-threatening attacks .
As friends, Twilight and the other five often confide their secrets to each other. This is seen when Twilight, under Pinkie 's watchful eye , is told Rarity and Fluttershy 's secrets in the episode Friendship Secrets . In the episode, the ponies want to end Fluttershy's modeling career, but both of them ask Twilight not to tell the other ponies. Twilight feels that being able to reveal their secrets will help resolve the conflict, but she is unable to reveal anything. Her tension worsens from being under Pinkie Pie 's surveillance., which constantly pops up from unexpected places (for example, in a crate of apples and behind a mirror), hitting Twilight.
Eventually Twilight became so nervous that she tried to physically stop herself from revealing the secret. Near the end of the episode, Rarity and Fluttershy share their feelings and find that both want to end Fluttershy's modeling career. Afterwards, Photo Finish arrives to say that Fluttershy has to be at the photo shoot tomorrow, but Fluttershy says that she can't do any of her appointments, after which she and Rarity presumably go to the spa. At this time, Twilight buried her head in a pot. But when she's alone with Photo Finish, she yells " Spike has a crush on Rarity !" Pinkie Pie appears on the other side of the mirror and expresses his disapproval to Twilight.
During the episode Zero Lesson , Twilight becomes extremely anxious and finally loses her mind. Desperate to find something to write to Princess Celestia about her new friendship lessons, she becomes so anxious that she decides to create the problem herself, with the help of her Know-It-All Pony doll and a spell. Because of the spell, all of Ponyville becomes obsessed with this doll. In her "insane" state, Twilight walks around with a shaggy mane, wide, insane eyes, and speaks very quickly.
During the episode " About Time ", Twilight receives a warning from an injured Twilight from the future (although she states that she only showed up the following Tuesday morning). Twilight from the future apparently traveled back in time to warn Twilight of the coming danger, but couldn't finish explaining which one. Twilight begins to panic, believing that a terrible disaster is about to happen in the near future. She begins to figure out what the disaster might be and how to prevent it, and inadvertently hurts herself many times, making her more like Twilight from the future.
She ends up infiltrating the Canterlot an attempt to find a spell to stop time, but cannot find it until Tuesday morning. As the sun rises, Twilight finally realizes that there was no disaster and uses time travel spells to warn Twilight from the past not to worry. Unfortunately, she was unable to explain this to Past Twilight, as Past Twilight repeats Twilight's actions and doesn't listen to her.
On other occasions, Twilight shows considerable empathy and patience, which stands in stark contrast to her numerous instances of overreacting to a situation. In Eclipse of the Moon , when Princess Luna arrives in Ponyville on Nightmare Night , Twilight isn't frightened, but genuinely glad to be in her presence. She is looking for a princess to greet her in person when her dazzling entrance fails. Correctly determining that the reasons for the princess's social awkwardness were much the same as her own arrival in Ponyville.Twilight spent most of the night lecturing her friends, the town's population, and even the princess herself, until the moon was secured.a welcome guest at the celebration. Later, Twilight realized that the kids and Pinkie Pie weren't really afraid of Princess Luna , but simply enjoyed being scared on Nightmare Night.
As noted above, Twilight is heavily invested in her research even before moving to Ponyville . Throughout the series, Twilight is often seen with a book, usually for the purpose of further learning about magic. Her diligence has led her to discover the impending return of Moonpony and has helped her on many other occasions throughout the series. At the beginning of the episode " Snooty Griffin ", Twilight is preoccupied reading a book when Pinkie Pie keeps talking about Rainbow Dash 's aerial acrobatics . Twilight pretends to listen to Pinkie Pie, replying "ah-ha" in a deadpan tone and continuing to read her book. Similarly, in the episode " The Best Evening Ever ", Pinkie Pietalks to Twilight while she enthusiastically tries to concentrate on learning a new spell.
Twilight demonstrates her addiction to books at her first pajama party, which she hosts with Rarity and Applejack . During the party, she uses the study book Pajama Party. Everything you ever wanted to know about a pajama party but were afraid to ask.” and addresses her throughout the night. When a storm outside knocks down a tree into Twilight's room, she is perplexed and, to process the situation, continues to look for answers in the book.
On the other hand, her addiction to books is often very helpful, such as when she participates in the fall run . Although Applejack and Rainbow Dash mock her for reading a sports book, she manages to overtake both of them in the race and finish fifth, following the book's advice to run slowly at the beginning and then, when all the other competitors are tired, run fast to the finish line. in the end.
Sometimes Twilight's diligence bores Spike . He complains about Twilight's overzealous devotion to her studies in Friendship Magic. Part 1 ", and falls asleep while everyone else is watching the meteor show, in the episode " A Jealousy Attempt ". In this episode, Twilight gets a pet owl, Owl , who also helps her with her research and book selection, however, Spike remains Twilight's only assistant in all other episodes. In Hearth Day , Twilight serves as a narrator, telling Starlight Glimmer 's story about the day of the hearth.
Twilight is very dismissive of events that she considers mere superstition. For example, while her friends are convinced that Zecora is an " evil witch " at the beginning of the episode " Fear Has Big Eyes ", Twilight and Apple Bloom just want to understand her. Later, when "evidence" shows that Zecora is about to "eat" Apple Bloom , Twilight begins to share her beliefs, though it is soon revealed that Zecora wanted to cure Apple Bloom 's friends.. Due to her superstition, she skipped the book Supernatural, which had the cure for the stinging ivy joke, because she mistook it for a book about the supernatural. Twilight and the other ponies apologize to Zecora and befriend her. In subsequent episodes, Twilight visits Zecora again.
Even when confronted with obvious evidence, Twilight remains dismissive, sarcastic, and skeptical, trying to find a rebuttal to it. For example, in Pinky's Intuition , she does not believe in Pinky 's intuition . She constantly claims that Pinkie Pie 's predictions are coincidences, despite the fact that many of them cause her numerous bodily injuries. She tries to find contradictions and flaws in Pinky 's premonitions . However, by the end of the episode, she admits that she cannot understand how Pinky 's intuition works and simply accepts it as it is.
In the episode "The Unity of Opposites ", a tree falls into Twilight's bedroom through the window, and in the episode " The Best Evening ", animals run through the gala where Twilight was. She suffers bodily harm throughout Pinkie's Intuition as a victim of Pinkie Pie 's feeling prophecy , and in the episode " Glance Master ", Fluttershy stumbles upon a petrified statue of her. Twilight inflicts damage on herself and others in the Cutie Mark Story series: she turned her parents into potted plants during a flashback. She also casts a spell on many of Ponyville 's ponies due to a spell on the doll in Lesson Zero.". One day, she accidentally and rather ironically makes herself suffer and shock herself for a whole week, trying to go back in time in order to avoid what she was suffering from. She also casts Swirl the Bearded 's spell in " Mysterious Magic Cure ", which causes her friends to switch fates. After correcting this spell, she transforms into an alicorn .
In Time with Twilight , Twilight spends time once a week teaching the Cutie Mark Crusaders various skills. She tries to teach Sweetie Belle how to use telekinesis, Apple Bloom how to grow plants, and Scootaloo how to take apart and assemble different types of scooters and motorcycles. Twilight is delighted when she learns that their classmates want to learn from her just as much, but is disappointed when she discovers that they want not so much to study as to hang out with a celebrity.
Twilight's ability as a teacher is proven by her ability to teach the entire trio the skills she intended to teach. At the end of the lessons, they demonstrate excellent abilities.
In the series One , Two, Three Exam! » Twilight tries to teach Rainbow Dash the history of Wonderbolts , but her methods are futile, as the latter acts like a clown in class. In the series " Insignia: Reloaded. Part 2 "Sparkle takes Starlight Glimmer as her student, and in the series" Crystalling. Part 1 tries to teach her the first lesson in friendship by sending her to reunite with Sunburst . At the end, Twilight laments over her failed class, but Spike comforts her.
Twilight has the ability to teleport, which was also common to the previous generation of My Little Pony unicorns . She first uses teleportation in the episode Friendship Magic. Part 2 " as she runs towards the Elements of Harmony . The moon pony runs towards Twilight, but she teleports away, only to appear behind her. Twilight teleports short distances in Harvest to get ahead of Applejack in an attempt to counter her overwork. She deliberately teleports with Spike from the highway to her library in " Invitation to the Ball "". Due to teleportation, Spike is slightly scorched. She teleports several times, in Lesson Zero and in Crystal Empire. Part 1 " during a song about failure , she is seemingly able to teleport effortlessly. In the episode "The Secret of My Growth ", Twilight teleports Spike several times, trying to clear his cheek of lipstick and ending up somehow accidentally teleporting Pinkie Pie from an unknown location to the library. In Quest for the Dragon , Twilight teleports herself and three other ponies a considerable distance with great effort.
Outside of magic, Twilight specializes in organizational skills, though she is sometimes overly organized. In " Winter's Last Day ", Twilight is able to coordinate several different teams and make them more efficient overall, allowing them to finish Saturday on schedule for the first time in years. The mayor of Ponyville is so impressed with her that she makes Twilight the official team organizer for all future Subbotniks and gives her a special organizer vest made up of all team colors. In the same episode, she starts the morning with a checklist and does another checklist at the beginning of the episode " Lesson Zero ", which annoys Spike .because of its length and minute details. They've gone as far as to have Twilight redo every cupcake in the box she's been given so that each cupcake fits perfectly and the icing on each cupcake doesn't touch the other cupcake's icing.
When smoke threatens to engulf Equestria in Taming the Dragon , Twilight alerts the ponies in Ponyville to the danger and organizes a group of her friends to deal with the problem.
While Twilight is very quick to organize bird nests into neat piles in Winter's Last Day , her skill is lacking to make a good nest. She makes the nest so bad that Spike grins sarcastically and says "this nest needs to be hidden away" and Rarity spends most of the day trying to fix this nest.
In the series “ Wedding in Canterlot. Part 1 ", Twilight is assigned by Princess Celestia to organize the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor . She organized various wedding plans for her brother's fake Cadance wedding , and again, when the real Princess Cadance returned, the wedding was hastily reorganized.
However, despite all this, Twilight appears to have difficulty finding the books in her library, even if they are in order. Therefore, Spike or one of her friends helps her find a book.
After gaining wings in " The Mysterious Magic Cure ", Twilight is shown flying at the end of the episode, although at the very beginning of the movie " Equestria Girls ", Twilight attempts to fly but fails. In the series " Princess Sparkle. Part 1 "Rainbow teaches Twilight to fly, and in later episodes she flies clearly better.
wilight describes Cadance as "the best babysitter ever." Queen Chrysalis was unable to repeat the special greeting song, causing Twilight to become suspicious of her. The real Cadence was imprisoned in an underground cave where greedy unicorns used to live. She tells Twilight that she won't be able to forget "the one she loved so much".
he sun is shining, fun later! Tap your hoof, shake your tail! - Twilight
Sparkle and Princess Cadance in Canterlot Wedding. Part 1
In Cutie Mark History, Twilight tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders how, as a colt in Canterlot , she always wanted to go to the Sun Day Celebration . Once there, she witnessed how Princess Celestia raised the sun. Inspired by this, Twilight wanted to learn more about magic. At first, Twilight could hardly turn the page in her book, but she quickly achieves her goal. She reads two stacks of books about magic, and her parents decide to enroll her in Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns .
However, Twilight is dismayed when she discovers that she has to pass an entrance exam before joining the school. Under the guidance of four expert ponies, she needed to use her magic to make the dragon's egg hatch. Despite her best efforts, the egg did not hatch, and Twilight apologizes for wasting the examiners' time. All of a sudden, Rainbow 's sonic boom frightens her and causes her immense magical power to break completely out of her control, causing the baby Spike to hatch .
Her eyes began to glow white, and a purple aura surrounded her. Twilight cast a flurry of spells: she makes the examiners float in the air, turns her parents into potted plants, and Spike into a giant dragon that smashed its head through the roof. Princess Celestia sees the latter while walking outside and quickly intervenes to control Twilight's magic and get everything back to normal. Twilight apologizes, but Princess Celestia doesn't get upset, instead acknowledging Twilight's power and recommending that she learn to tame her abilities through focused research. She then suggests taking Twilight as her personal protégé at school. Twilight eagerly accepts the offer, at which point, to the pony's delight, her mark appears.
Twilight first appears in Canterlot , where she learns of the return of the Moon Pony . She resides in an ivory tower and boasts to Spike that she is a loyal student of Celestia. She is invited to Moondancer's party , but declines, preferring to research on Moonpony . Soon, Princess Celestia sends Twilight to Ponyville to find friends and hold a Sun Day Celebration .
In Repairing Relationships , Twilight returns to Canterlot to apologize for her actions to her former friends. She succeeds with Twinkleshine , Lemon Hearts and Minuette , but Moondancer refuses all four. Minuette and Twilight notice that Moondancer is acting the same as Twilight used to.
Twilight moves to Ponyville in the first episode, where she befriends Pinkie Pie , Applejack , Rainbow Dash , Rarity , and Fluttershy . She quickly learns of her girlfriends' skills: she admires Rainbow Dash 's ability to clear the sky, Rarity's beautiful decorating work, and the melodic music of Fluttershy 's bird choir . She is less impressed with the abundance of Applejack's hospitality and Pinkie Pie 's party . She even runs away from Rarity when she actually forces her to get a makeover.
She shares many adventures with her friends throughout the series. At the end of the Mysterious Magic Cure series, she transforms into an alicorn and becomes a princess. At the very end of this episode, she flies away towards the camera.
Twilight has a balloon . Twilight flies on it in the series' opening sequence, and uses the same balloon to fly with her friends to Cloudsdale to cheer for Rainbow Dash at the Top Flyers Contest. In the series “ The Return of Harmony. Part 2 ", the ponies used it to capture the hypnotized Rainbow Dash . The ball is also used by other ponies on other occasions.
For three seasons, Twilight possesses a crown containing an element of magic. She gets it after she defeats the Moon Pony in Friendship Magic. Part 2 ". The crown is studded with sapphires and a purple six-pointed star gem as Twilight's cutie mark . However, the crown takes on a different shape when Twilight becomes a princess, in the episode " Mysterious Magic Cure ". The gold tone becomes lighter, the sapphires are gone, and the crown itself rests horizontally on Twilight's head instead of vertically.
Twiliken (eng. Twilicane ) - not called in the show , but the name is known from the collectible card game from Enterplay - this is the scepter that Discord gave to Twilight in the series “Princess Sparkle. Part 2" as a sign of irony to her status as a princess. Apparently, in Equestria it is not unique, and it is a consumer toy. Twiliken later appears in " Slice of Life " when it flies out of the hooves of Lemon Hearts right into the wheels of a speeding DJ Pon-3 music stand ; in the episode " A Gift for Maude Pie ", Rarity considers it as an addition to a gift for Maude ; in " Royal Problem "» Derpy dreams that she is in power and possesses this scepter.
wilight Sparkle's parents first appear in the episode " Cutie Mark History ". They support Twilight's pursuit of magic by sending her to Princess Celestia's "School for Gifted Unicorns". They reappear in Canterlot Wedding. Part 2 " where they attend the wedding of their eldest son, Shining Armor , crying with joy. They reappear in " Magic Mystery Cure " as witnesses to Princess Twilight Sparkle's coronation. They appear again in the series It was in an airship , where they won a cruise and call Sparkle on it. Twilight's mother resembles a notable first-generation (G1) pony, Twilight, also known as Galaxy inMy Little Pony television series . Twilight's father resembles a G1 pony named Nightlight.
Shining Armor is Twilight's older brother who is first mentioned and then reappears in A Canterlot Wedding. Part 1 , as a captain of the royal guard. Twilight says that Shining Armor is the only pony who actually was her friend before she moved to Ponyville . She sings the song SBDN , which sings how they did everything together. She vents her frustration that Shining Armor couldn't tell her in person about his upcoming wedding, and once she arrives in Canterlot , she tries to protect Shining Armor and all of Equestria from Queen Chrysalis..
In Pinkie Pie Knows Something , Twilight learns that she will be the aunt to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance 's future daughter . She is born and first introduced to Twilight in the first episode of Season 6 . Twilight was shocked when she saw that she was an alicorn. Twilight also visits her in the episode " Times Are Changing ", and in the episode " Storm of Emotions ", together with Spike, he tries to court her.
Twilight appears as the protagonist of the film adaptation of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls . In the film, Twilight is uncomfortable with her new role as a princess. She even has difficulty controlling her wings.
She and her friends travel to the Crystal Empire for a princess summit. When Princess Celestia 's former student , Sunset Shimmer , steals an element of magic, Twilight manages to hold onto her for a moment, but the crown enters the alternate world through a magical mirror, which Sunset Shimmer passes through and leaves on her own. Afterwards, Princess Celestia informs about the villainess pony. She sends Twilight to the alternate world to get her crown on her own, but at the last minute, Spike runs after her.
In the alternate world, she turned into a teenage human and Spike into a puppy. Twilight's appearance in the human world is as follows: she has straight, flowing hair, she wears a blue shirt with a pink bow tie, a purple skirt with a cutie mark on the side, and high purple boots with pink lining, black soles and a pattern of three diamonds.
Sparkle cannot get used to human life. Eventually, she meets the human versions of her Ponyville friends and manages to rebuild the friendship between them, which she learns Sunset Shimmer destroyed before Twilight arrived. Twilight decides to face Sunset Shimmer at the Fall Formal in order to get her crown back, as Fluttershy gave her human version of Celestia . She also develops a relationship with Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend Flash Sentry .Sunset Shimmer comes up with many ways to stop Twilight from getting the crown, such as having her cronies, human versions of Snips and Snails., recording how Twilight copes with human duties and making fun of it all in a video that all the students saw. Twilight becomes a laughing stock, but her new friends help her become popular with the help of a song . Sunset also breaks the decorations for the Fall Formal (with the help of the same Snips and Snails), and blames Twilight for everything, which almost ruins her chances of getting the crown back and returning home. But, again, with the help of Sparkle's new friends, as well as schoolchildren, the auditorium is cleaned and redecorated.
At the Fall Formal, Twilight accepts an offer to dance from Flash Sentry. She becomes the Princess of the Fall Formal, but when Snips and Snails steal Spike, she and her friends chase the two, where Sunset Shimmer, in a last-ditch attempt to claim the crown, threatens to destroy the portal leading to Equestria unless Twilight gives up the crown. Twilight refuses, confident that Equestria can protect itself without her Element .. An evil unicorn turned human takes her by force, transforms into a demon, hypnotizes students and school teachers to become her army. Twilight and her new friends manage to defeat the villainess with the power of friendship, and when Sunset Shimmer returns to her human form, she repents, stating that she doesn't know what friendship is, as she has never been anyone's friend. Twilight forgives Sunset and says that her new friends can teach Sunset Shimmer how to be friends.
After the dance, Twilight and Spike return to Equestria. Twilight feels more confident than before that she is a princess. She stumbles upon a pony version of the Flash Sentry and blushes upon meeting him. Twilight's friends tease her for being in love with him, but Twilight denies it.
It is implied that Twilight has her own human version in the looking-glass world. Pinky Man mentions that she saw a girl in town who looks like her (she also owns a dog named Spike). This character subsequently appears in the following films of the franchise (see below).
In the second part of the full-length cartoon, Twilight again has to go to the human world in order to save the Canterlot School . It all starts with the fact that in a magical diary she receives a message from a completely reformed Sunset Shimmer. Sunset reports on three strange girls who use dark magic, and with the help of songs they set the students of Canterlot High School against each other. From the book, Sparkle learns that these are sirens , once expelled from Equestria by a wizard named Star Swirl the Bearded . Having built a personal portal, the princess, along with Spike, again moves into the world of people.
Best friends are very happy to see them. Twilight talks about the sirens, and offers to use the magic of friendship, which defeated Sunset Shimmer. However, the first attempt yields nothing, and the princess decides to go the other way: to make a counter-spell, and sing it during the upcoming battle of rock bands.
In the future, the rock group Rainbooms , consisting of human versions of Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight herself as a soloist, successfully advance to the finals along with the Dazzlings (a group that consists of sirens). Seeing such a thing, they decide on a vile act - they incite the human version of Trixie . Believing in her invincibility, Trixie locks Twilight and her friends in a trap. Rainbow Dash and the others start to fight among themselves, but Sunset Shimmer and Twilight manage to make them up again. Then Spike rescues the friends, and to
gether with DJ Vinyl Scratch , the Rainbooms go into open confrontation with the sirens.
After an intense magic rock battle, the Sirens' pendants that absorb dark magic are broken into small pieces, and the three main villains turn into ordinary teenage girls, after which they run away in disgrace. Twilight returns to Equestria with Spike, and her place in the group is taken by Sunset Shimmer, who unexpectedly showed her talent for playing the guitar. Later, Sunset texts Twilight through her magical diary, seeking her advice on the magic of friendship.
After the credits , the human version of Twilight Sparkle tells his dog Spike that there is clearly some weird stuff going on at Canterlot High, which is most likely a reference to the next feature-length cartoon.
Twilight appears in her human form in " Shake Your Tail ".In the final scene, Twilight and her friends are viewing photos on a Ferris wheel. In the novelization, Twilight is actually still in Equestria and eventually imagines that she is performing with her friends from Canterlot High.
She also appears in the short films "It's Time to Leave the Past" and "Friendship Will Be Eternal". In the first, she briefly appears in a flashback, offering her hand to Sunset Shimmer after her defeat. In the latter, she performs the title song with the Rainbooms, sings the first verse on the piano, and happily interacts with Sunset Shimmer.
In the cartoon "Girls from Equestria. Friendship Games ”Sparkle appears in a new guise - this time the real Sparkle from the world of people appears before the audience , which, at the time of the film’s release, is studying at the Crystal Academy . Unlike her prototype pony, this Twilight wears glasses and wears her hair in a bun. During the course of the film, she will face rivalry with Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. During the story, it turns out that she never wanted to participate in the games, but the headmistress blackmailed her with a refusal to transfer to a higher gymnasium.
At the end of the film, the friends are having a picnic near the portal, but then Twilight from Equestria suddenly appears from it, who says that she could not come earlier, because she was stuck in a time loop. Then she sees Twilight from the human world, and says, "That's the second weirdest ."
While Princess Twilight does not appear in Mirror Magic, she is referenced throughout. In the beginning, Sunset writes to her in her diary, but unfortunately she runs out of pages. When Sunset returns to Equestria, Starlight Glimmer gives Sunset a new diary in Twilight's absence, saying that she and the rest of the Mane Six were called in to resolve a friendship issue. Starlight follows Sunset through the Crystal Mirror, claiming that Twilight won't mind. At the end of the special, Twilight writes Sunset in her diary and gives Starlight permission to stay in the human world for a few more days.
Twilight, in her human form, has minor roles in " Color Shake ", " The Story of a Photo Shoot ", and " Blow the Roof ", all of which take place during the first film. She also appears in photos in Rainbow Dash's bedroom in "Page Jumps".
In the cartoon "Forgotten Friendship" both Sparkles already appear - both Princess Sparkle herself and her human counterpart. Frustrated that the Rainbooms have forgotten about her, Sunset Shimmer writes a letter to Twilight Sparkle in her diary in desperation, hoping to meet her in person. In Equestria, Twilight accompanies Sunset to Princess Celestia, who leads them to the closed archives of the Canterlot Library, to Twilight's great, hysterically gleeful amazement. In the archive, Twilight and Sunset find a scroll of Wise Clover , one of the founders of Equestria, played by Twilight herself in a play in honor of the Day of the burning hearth., - where they learn about the Stone of Memory. However, one of the scroll's pages has been lost, and Sunset decides to return to her world to find the Stone while Twilight goes looking for the missing page. The friends say goodbye, and Sunset calls Twilight her best mentor.
The last appearance of the pony Sparkle in the cartoon is when she still finds the lost page of the scroll, which turns out to be inside the chest that fell from the table, and also learns that if the Memory Stone is not destroyed before sunset, all memories will disappear forever, and reports this Sunset.
In "Spring Break", Twilight appears at the Castle of Friendship, where she hangs a painting with Spike in the throne room. When Sunset arrives with the humans Twilight and Rainbow Dash in pony form, she tells them stories about her and her friends' adventures in Equestria. She also lends them the Staff of Sakan to quell a magical lightning storm after some of the Storm King's magical leaks have infiltrated the human world. At the end of the cartoon, Twilight reappears when Sunset takes the cruise passengers to Equestria.
n "My Little Pony Movie", Twilight organizes the Friendship Festival in Canterlot. When the city is overrun by the Storm King's troops, led by Storm , Twilight and her friends run off to seek out the "Hippo Queen", who, per Celestia's instructions, has been appointed as Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs. During their journey, they are nearly sold into slavery by Kapper and thrown overboard of Captain Harpy's airship . When they find Novo in Sequestria and she refuses to help save their home, Twilight resorts to trying to steal her Transformation Pearl, resulting in her and her friends being expelled from Sequestria when caught.
After a heated argument with her friends, Twilight was captured by Storm and returned to Canterlot, where the Storm King uses the Staff of Sakan to drain her and the other princesses' magic. Twilight saves Tempest from being swept up by the Storm King's tornado when he betrays her, and Twilight's friends arrive to save her and free Canterlot. The Main Six I eventually succeed in defeating Storm King, and Twilight restores Storm with the Staff after she sacrifices herself to save them from his final attack. Eventually, Canterlot is restored, the Friendship Festival resumes, and the Mane 6 begin to befriend Storm.