Patent attributes
A BGR circuit for sub-1V ICs utilizes a voltage chopping circuit and/or a current chopping circuit and a low-frequency filter to stabilize the output reference voltage that is generated by an op-amp, a current mirror circuit, a CTAT stage, a PTAT stage, and an output stage. The voltage chopping circuit reduces input offset and 1/f noise by periodically alternating (time-averaging) the negative temperature dependent and positive temperature dependent voltages supplied by the CTAT and PTAT stages to the op-amp's input terminals. The current chopping circuit minimizes current variations caused by process-related differences in the current mirror devices by periodically alternating (time-averaging) three balanced currents generated by the current mirror circuit such that each current is transmitted equally to each of the CTAT, PTAT and output stages. The filter serves to maintain loop stability and remove the low frequency noise generated by the applied voltage and/or current chopping operations.