Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jason LaValley0
Date of Patent
December 4, 2018
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 11, 2015
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An attachment that incorporates a vacuum mechanism along with one or more grab arm assemblies. The vacuum mechanism and each grab arm assembly are configured to hold an object at the same time. In other embodiments, the object can be held solely by the vacuum mechanism or solely by the grab arms. In case of failure of the vacuum mechanism, for example a loss of suction or vacuum power or the vacuum is not properly centered on the object, the grab arm assembly acts as a back-up lifting mechanism to hold the object so that the object is not dropped. In addition, the grab arm assembly permits the attachment to hold the object in orientations, such as vertical, that are not possible using the vacuum mechanism by itself.
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