Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
December 11, 2018
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 7, 2016
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for implanting a wireless neural stimulator device, the method including: making a surgical incision or a percutaneous opening on a patient's skin; inserting an assembly of an introducer or needle and a needle stylet through the surgical incision or a percutaneous opening and underneath the patient's skin, the needle stylet mounted in an inner lumen of the introducer or needle; withdrawing the needle stylet from the inner lumen of the introducer or needle when the assembly is in place; inserting the wireless neural stimulator device through an inner lumen of the introducer or needle and into the patient's tissue; and withdrawing the introducer from the surgical incision or percutaneous opening.
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