Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
James Doane0
Zhihui Zhang0
Goang-Ding Shyu0
Zhiyue Xu0
Juan Carlos Flores Perez0
Yingqing Xu0
Date of Patent
March 5, 2019
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 18, 2017
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A downhole assembly includes a matrix material and a unit in contact with the matrix material. The unit includes a core having an energetic material, an activator disposed in direct contact with the core, and at least one layer disposed on the core. The activator includes a triggering system having an igniter and a pre-set timer connected in an electrical circuit. The igniter is inactive in an open condition of the electrical circuit, and, after a pre-set time period, the pre-set timer closes the electrical circuit and the igniter is activated.
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