A floor stand for flat panel display is formed from a horizontal section of square tubing, which forms a support beam. One of the upward-facing surfaces has a series of holes spaced at regular intervals corresponding to the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) standard horizontal spacing specification for mounting flat panel displays. A pair of vertical support columns attach to the horizontal beam. The forward surfaces of the vertical support columns each have as series of holes spaced at regular intervals corresponding to the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) standard vertical spacing specification for mounting flat panel displays. In use, the vertical support columns are attached to the horizontal beam at a separation distance equal to the horizontal spacing of the mounting pattern for the user's selected flat panel display. The base of each of the vertical support columns is formed into a claw-shaped attachment that corresponds to the outside surface of the horizontal beam, so that the vertical support columns are keyed to the beam. The vertical support columns are also formed so the center of mass of the flat panel display is behind the centerline of the horizontal beam. This ensures the flat panel display does not tip forward before it can be secured to the beam.