Patent attributes
A gun magazine speedloader with an angled edge suitable for scooping cartridges from a flat surface such as a table. Cartridges enter the body of the speedloader by resting the speedloader onto a flat surface and then sliding the speedloader across the flat surface to scoop up the cartridges proximate to each other. The speedloader is re-oriented into a vertical position and cartridges are gravity fed into the body of the speedloader. The speedloader includes a plunger oriented for plunging cartridges from the body of the speedloader in a direction parallel to the orientation of an affixed magazine. The internal shape of the speedloader is such that cartridges are positioned suitably to fall to the bottom of the speedloader and rest on the plunger tip when rotated to a vertical position. A magazine is then affixed to the speedloader and the plunger is depressed, forcing the cartridges into the magazine.