Patent attributes
A system and related methods for determining precision navigation solutions decorrelates GPS carrier-phase ambiguities derived from multiple-source GPS information via Least-squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment (LAMBDA) algorithms, and fixes a subset of the decorrelated integer ambiguities within the LAMBDA domain. To maintain high accuracy, a partial almost fix solution is generated using the subset of the decorrelated ambiguities to be fixed in the LAMBDA domain. The subset of decorrelated ambiguities is used to compute protection levels and the probability of almost fix (PAF), or that the navigation solution corresponding to the decorrelated ambiguities is within the region of correctly-fixed or low-error almost-fixed ambiguities. The partial list of fixed ambiguities is used to generate the optimal navigation solution (floating-point, partial almost-fix, or fully fixed) while maintaining protection levels within alert limits and PAF above the desired threshold.