Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Theresa N. Gillette0
Jedidiah O. Bentz0
John W. Uerkvitz0
Shaun B. Atchison0
Date of Patent
May 21, 2019
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 22, 2017
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A control system for a HVAC system includes a user interface configured to present information to a user and receive inputs from the user, a temperature sensor configured to measure an air temperature inside of the building space, and a processing circuit. The processing circuit is configured to receive a user-preferred temperature setpoint, compare the user-preferred temperature setpoint to the measured air temperature, project an energy usage amount for the user-preferred energy setpoint, generate a user comfort score for the user-preferred energy setpoint, generate an overall score for the user-preferred temperature setpoint, and present, by the user interface, the user with a setpoint scoring interface including the overall score.
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