Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
André Lachance0
Claude Belleville0
Étienne Côté0
Date of Patent
July 16, 2019
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 10, 2015
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The present document describes a system for equalizing the pressure of a pressure guidewire against the pressure of an aortic pressure device: the system comprising two methods of equalizing the pressure against each other, one method that involves a gain adjustment and another method that involves the addition of an offset; the method further comprising a method for detecting which method should be applied to the situation, the detecting methods including: the contribution of the operator; an algorithm detecting the first equalization from subsequent post procedure equalizations, the algorithm including various factors such as incrementing the equalization requests, measuring the elapsed time and others.
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