Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Yuval Yehezkel Marton0
Eslam Kamal Abdel-Aal Abdel-Reheem0
Michel Naim Naguib Gerguis0
Sayed Hassan Sayed Abdelaziz0
Achraf Abdel Moneim Tawfik Chalabi0
Ahmed Mohamed Emad Morsi Abdelbaki0
Brandon Robert Anderson0
Deqing Chen0
Date of Patent
July 16, 2019
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 2, 2016
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A computer-implemented technique is described herein for extracting facts from unstructured text documents provided by one or more information sources. The technique uses a pipeline to perform this operation that involves, at least in part, providing a corpus of information items, extracting candidate facts from the information items, merging synonymous argument values associated with the candidate facts, organizing the candidate facts into relation clusters, and assessing the confidence level of the candidate facts within the relation clusters.
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