Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Yair Kirshner0
Yoseph Shaaltiel0
Yftach Shneor0
Alon Shtainiz0
Yaron Naos0
Date of Patent
July 30, 2019
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 5, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A reusable, disposable device for culturing plant tissues or cells including a non-rigid container having dimensions and gas exchange ports designed for maintaining oxygen saturation and shear forces suitable for culturing plant tissue or cells in 400 liters or more of culture medium is provided. Also provided are methods for producing a catalytically active human recombinant protein in a plant cell, using the disposable device of one of the embodiments of the instant specification.
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